Behind a firewall at school


Jun 25, 2004
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They blocked all the p2p at my school and KDX and Hotline are slow as sh*t, anything else i could use, or is there any good way around the firewall to get to the p2p stuff, even if it just works for torrents, please, i need help, cause i am hardly any kind of haxor at all
Icarusintel said:
They blocked all the p2p at my school and KDX and Hotline are slow as sh*t, anything else i could use, or is there any good way around the firewall to get to the p2p stuff, even if it just works for torrents, please, i need help, cause i am hardly any kind of haxor at all

use a proxy it works especially if the filter your schools using is bess.
my school uses that stupid Novell thing. Anyone know how to bypass that?
I thought that Novel thing is like Highschool login to the internet?
SlagOps said:
I thought that Novel thing is like Highschool login to the internet?

it just locks up a bunch of programs and stuff. so i cant right click on the desktop and change the backround ( :LOL: ) or anything
My school uses Novell too, it sucks.
hmmm... i'm trying to use the proxy to work with torrents, but its a no-go so far
Why do you want to download stuff at school?
You're just running the risk of getting in trouble.

Are you gonna stick it on a CD or something?
We used to have internet in our keyboarding class. The arseholes last year we're idiots and they all passed around a soft copy of the daily work to each other via the internet on a free webpage provider thing (angelfire I think). Didn't take long for the teacher to catch on and pull the plug (literally). We don't have internet in our class anymore.
no, i'm at college to be more specific, and using my own laptop, but they have a firewall on the network because so many people were using p2p they crashed the network on a daily basis
You can't proxy the P2P ports you need - you'd need access to the admin account - which I wouldn't reccommend trying...

My Uni uses the same setup - but I don't have a need to use anything other than email and web access there. :)
dart321 said:
We used to have internet in our keyboarding class. The arseholes last year we're idiots and they all passed around a soft copy of the daily work to each other via the internet on a free webpage provider thing (angelfire I think). Didn't take long for the teacher to catch on and pull the plug (literally). We don't have internet in our class anymore.
My class did something similar, but instead of using the internet, they used one of the schools networked drives. However, they caught on and denied student access to it.
would be nice to be able to crack those universaty internet T3's. download some music to a CD in 1 minute.

*voice from movie "hacker" Aww man how hot would it be to hack one of those gibsons man! *rubs nipples*
My year twelve IT class turned into kind of a year twelve LAN party... It was considered one of the cop-out subjects, too, so it took them ages to do anything about it. I reckon I was the only one working at all. Everyone else was playing RTCW or a multiplayer racing game (the school computers were surprisingly good for games)...
Too bloody right that all your apps such as p2p are being blocked, go outside and play instead of trying to get yourself in trouble.
If you need the bandwidth, pay for it yourself.
School's HAVE to protect themselves from huge legal troubles and problems regarding to trojians, viruses etc. Just letting you download a few dvds or songs can create a huge cost for your school cleaning it up. Which likely means the facilities for your school will be lost for some time.
This may seem a bit extreme but I'm quite anti warez, hacking, cracking. It only causes grief.
Brian Damage said:
My year twelve IT class turned into kind of a year twelve LAN party... It was considered one of the cop-out subjects, too, so it took them ages to do anything about it. I reckon I was the only one working at all. Everyone else was playing RTCW or a multiplayer racing game (the school computers were surprisingly good for games)...

Best. Class. Ever.
I use Hopster on my school ( )

bypasses the schools firewall and proxy, now im able to use msn/kazaa/irc, u should try it.

to get rid of the banner u just right click it and press minimize, it will go away after a few mins.
Hmm if only schools would stop using Novell it blows. Our school not only uses Novell but doesn't defrag drives, Never formats drives and constantly ghosts the poor things into oblivion. We have 3-5 crappy computer rooms and 2 good computer rooms. Forgot about net access try to stay online for more than 5 mins and bam the net server dies. Try to do some work and save it, the file server dies.

Overall I want to kill the admins at my school. Not so much the major guy mr Bowen he's cool but ofcourse theres allways some Microsoft computer certified engineer that doesn't know anything at all.
I have to concur with Kyo about.... everything he said. (we go to the same school)

Just a few days ago our teacher for tech pointed us to a URL - It was filtered out for some reason. I looked it up at home and found *no reason at all for it to be filtered*
So still a little pissed off I asked the teacher what he saw on the page - again, apparently, no ilicit content.
It really pisses me off that without any thought sites with perfectly good intentions and infomation are blocked out.

Bittorrent and P2P in general is another matter.

But, of course, none of this stops the people that use google's excellent search abilities to find p0rn. Naturally its not even p0rn of a p0rn nature...just "I wear my pants low" girls. So what action took place? They filtered google image search. Fat lot of good that did. The newbies didn't know it even existed and, once again, the people like me using it for resonable purpose (for some people jerking off in class is fine. I am, obviously, excluding this from "resonable") have had their "rights" and "computer privilages" limited.
Hehe, your schools suck, I carry a laptop around all day and have wireless internet access to my school's 100 Mbit line :D
Downloading and watching movies in class..... rocks.
Do you just enjoy annoying people with your good fortune?
Hmm one day I might go wardriving with my brother's laptop around Adelaide and see what I pick up.
PvtRyan said:
Hehe, your schools suck, I carry a laptop around all day and have wireless internet access to my school's 100 Mbit line :D
Downloading and watching movies in class..... rocks.

Amen to that brother.

(Same here)