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  1. J

    Latest room

    Erm from what i read from halflife 2 dev they say every block you make in your make should be nodraw first then textured after.. Because even if the texture of block is touching another block it will still be rendered ingame and use up resorces.. you should allways no draw the Side's of your box...
  2. J

    Latest room

    tbh I think it would be best to make it all in nodraw texture.. then.. and then texture after due to them you know thatu can just go threw with texture tool etc. and u can see whats needs to be textured/seen etc.. also i kinda slowed down on the mapping idea now.. Doing more consept drawings...
  3. J

    tutorial links request

    I just found http://www.mnemic****/ good video tutorials
  4. J

    tutorial links request

    Heya guys.. I would like you all if posible to post all tutorial web stie links for Hl2 mapping that you know off not just to help me learn new thing's but to help others as well here are the few i know of:
  5. J


    Wohaa.. that does look alot like my model i got to agree with you there.. but it doesnt have the errors mine have >_< wonder if owner that made that wants to trade :x save me fixing the errors my self ^^ lol
  6. J

    Latest room

    Tbh its the Light thats the prob.. i mucked about with it abit to much :/ changed to many value's.. would have shadows other wise.. and also the t.v. monitor it self the screen.. does stick to model.. it just looks that way cuz its faded abit cuz im to far away from it like i said.. low spec pc..
  7. J


    Ow thats it flat textured :P so you could see where i put detail.. Thats not the smoothed version.. and its 2600polly
  8. J


    Simple usp.. Havnt modeled in about 3 months.. So was intresting to do it again today.. What do you think? Errors i know about in model allready :P
  9. J

    Latest room

    Door's are thin atually think its cuz inside of frame isnt textured right u might think they look thick.. lighting system is fine.. just im usinga lap top and have hl2 runing on min spec :P
  10. J

    Off Limits Characters In Game !

    I love the first model's torso. personly think the gun is wrougn size though. secound .. guy i dunno about.. he looks just odd.. dunno what it is..
  11. J

    Latest room

    It does connect to the hall way already and another room other side of hall way. Just been learning new things about maping.. e.g. i didnt know taht u need to make all your brush's with nodraw first. then texture after. I just thought the back of the texture that's not seen had to be nodrawed no...
  12. J

    Latest room

    Erm.. its not square u cant see the other side of room.. also.. its diffrent alot more detail and time been put in this one..
  13. J

    Usp + Laser Sight [wip]

    Clicked twice.. :x opps
  14. J

    Usp + Laser Sight [wip]

    Nm.. cant be ****ed with argueing..
  15. J

    Ford Crown Victoria

    Yeh mate i got to give it to you.. you are a very good modeler/skiner ^^ love you work.. wish i could do the same as that :) (You should release the cop car :P j/k)
  16. J

    Latest room

    Started on a new room..
  17. J

    Usp + Laser Sight [wip]

    OMG THATS A GREAT MODEL! Shame u didnt make it.. once more another ripper.. taking credit for other's work.. and...
  18. J

    [ WiP ] Alien Character

    wonder's if he ever finshed this model
  19. J

    Ford Crown Victoria

    Only thing i dont understand is .. why does every car have to be broken :x!
  20. J

    New Mod, Looking for a team.

    why didnt u add that part of game play in then.. ._. u.......... MUPPET