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Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
Started on a new room..



It looks the exact same as your other rooms.
Erm.. its not square u cant see the other side of room.. also.. its diffrent alot more detail and time been put in this one..
I hope it wasn't a lot of time...and where's the detail!?

Seriously, it's not like it's's just....nothing! There's nothing to show. That looks like it should've taken about 15minutes at the most
Um rather bland, trying making two connecting rooms or something. Start doing more stuff.
It does connect to the hall way already and another room other side of hall way. Just been learning new things about maping.. e.g. i didnt know taht u need to make all your brush's with nodraw first. then texture after. I just thought the back of the texture that's not seen had to be nodrawed no the side of every brush because i asume the solid's blended in some kinda way. and that the side's wouldnt come up ingame wasteing res but they obv do. so i i now make everything in smallllllest grid view and nodraw first then put texture on after >_< like i been told it should be done..
Jason said:
e.g. i didnt know taht u need to make all your brush's with nodraw first. then texture after.

You don't.

Any brushwork in contact with the 'void' will be sort of replaced with nodraw anyway.
Your doors seem abit thick and you could add abit more detail to them, also I think its the lighting system your using but there are no shadows. You might also want to reposition the table and chairs.
Door's are thin atually think its cuz inside of frame isnt textured right u might think they look thick.. lighting system is fine.. just im usinga lap top and have hl2 runing on min spec :p
I think he meant wide, but you can kinda tell it's a double door anyway. *Oh actually I think he's takling about the 2nd pic where the door's protruding from the wall, past the door frame. You should fix that ebcause the door does look too thick.

Gonzo, that's true, but you also need to think about the faces of brushes within the void that can't be seen but will still be calculated. So Jason's right, although I don't see why it should take longer. I usually just use a really bright horrible texture to build everything, then texture the 'visible'/interior faces, then replace all instances of said horrible texture with nodraw. You'll want to only work on small sections at a time and to compile regularly if you use that technique, though, as you need to identify leaks as soon as they crop up, not be left with a day's work with an elusive leak somewhere in its cavernous insides.
Faces of brushes that are in the void get removed, irrespective of what texture is on them.
You need some shadows on those objects. There's a certain entity that forces shadows on objects when they randomly decide not to appear, but the name of it's slipped my mind.
It looks like when you shot the TV the monitor falls away but the screen sticks in the air. Try making the TV a parent and the screen a child of the parent monitor. Try adding special features in the room such as a curved ceiling or a patio window. Other than that it looks okay, despite the fact that it sort of boring.
StardogChampion said:
You need some shadows on those objects. There's a certain entity that forces shadows on objects when they randomly decide not to appear, but the name of it's slipped my mind.


you need this ent somewhere in the map to make phys objects cast dynamic shadows (in fact, any shadows). i usually stick mine alongside the light_environment, along with the fog_controller and water_lod_control
i know what you mean dude im kinda new to mapping to and when you learn new things its fun. i like the room, you textured it nicley, i like the monitor and the closet too. you could try light swtiches, and more furniture, mabye some posters. oh just noticed is that a dynamic light? cool. oh and mabye some decals
Tbh its the Light thats the prob.. i mucked about with it abit to much :/ changed to many value's.. would have shadows other wise.. and also the t.v. monitor it self the screen.. does stick to model.. it just looks that way cuz its faded abit cuz im to far away from it like i said.. low spec pc..
I think you've got the whole idea of mapping wrong, mate. Instead of focusing on visuals, focus on gameplay first and foremost. Make a fullbright map using only one dev texture (dev/dev_measuregeneric01 or something) and focus on the flow and gameplay of the map rather than how it looks.
Ennui said:
Make a fullbright map using only one dev texture (dev/dev_measuregeneric01 or something) and focus on the flow and gameplay of the map rather than how it looks.

But please don't release a fullbright map that uses only one texture...
Ennui said:
I think you've got the whole idea of mapping wrong, mate. Instead of focusing on visuals, focus on gameplay first and foremost. Make a fullbright map using only one dev texture (dev/dev_measuregeneric01 or something) and focus on the flow and gameplay of the map rather than how it looks.
A few months ago I finally weened myself onto a new style of mapping where you hold off on the textures until you're satisfied with the layout. You wouldn't believe just how much time it saves, and how well your levels play because you stay focussed on the very essential before beautifying it.

I'd say this is a reasonably advanced way of mapping, and I think it's more rewarding to get to know the editor first by making a few test rooms. But as soon as you start making levels you intend people to play, you'll want to move onto the gameplay first, textures and lighting later. The reason why I think it's important to throw together a few rooms first is because when you know the texture sets well you'll have more of an idea of what your map will look like when you come to texturing it, and your ideas will be more coherent.
tbh I think it would be best to make it all in nodraw texture.. then.. and then texture after due to them you know thatu can just go threw with texture tool etc. and u can see whats needs to be textured/seen etc.. also i kinda slowed down on the mapping idea now.. Doing more consept drawings now! And geting good at it i might say! :p soon as i get my scanner installled ill upload some pics i been drawing
You misunderstand. Whatever surface touches the void will automatically be detected as a surface that shouldnt be rendered whatsoever (which is the same thing as using nodraw). the same effect happens wherever two brush faces touch. If you want to use nodraw, it would be on like a rooftop or on a side of a building that cannot be seen during gameplay. yeah...thats the only example i can think of.
Also, if you apply 'nodraw' to everything you can't test the architecture in-game without havving to apply a texture anyway.

It's counter-productive.
A brush covered in nodraw still exists and can create bsp splits and behave as a regular brush.

Not the same as not being rendered.
isnt? yeah itl act like a hint brush but the surface with the applied nodraw texture wont be rendered as a texture in-game.
Erm from what i read from halflife 2 dev they say every block you make in your make should be nodraw first then textured after.. Because even if the texture of block is touching another block it will still be rendered ingame and use up resorces.. you should allways no draw the Side's of your box if blending to another box and of course the top and bottom as long as its not needeed to be viewed by a normal player here is a vid so you know what i mean.. its just a simple room being made.. but show's how texture should look.. when you creat your map's.. No draw will not be rended ingame meaning you save Resorce's.
i read that as well. doesnt make sense cause when you noclip through a wall and look for a spot where there are two faces joined together, there are no textures present in that spot. my +showbudget doesnt seem to be complaining much either.

Gonzo: i think he means the SDK doc
Ennui said:
I think you've got the whole idea of mapping wrong, mate. Instead of focusing on visuals, focus on gameplay first and foremost. Make a fullbright map using only one dev texture (dev/dev_measuregeneric01 or something) and focus on the flow and gameplay of the map rather than how it looks.
I find that nice, also, since once you are done texturing for real. All you have to do is replace the dev with nodraw and everything is nodrawed for you.
Yeh you could do it just like that .. But i why waste time going threw it all.. then having to retexture it all no.. draw.. then having to texture it again.. just easyer to do it no draw at first tbh.. once you map for a while u know the wall size's door size's etc :p off by heart.. u dont need dev texture's to tell u them.. ahh well :p
herm well tbh u can use select all then.. and just aply any old texture.. I personaly make it room by room anyway.. so for me its fine.. doing it like that :p but i guess if u made a whole scene first then you might wanna texture it all dev style test it.. then select all nodraw it all.. then test texture it
Jason said:
Yeh you could do it just like that .. But i why waste time going threw it all.. then having to retexture it all no.. draw.. then having to texture it again.. just easyer to do it no draw at first tbh.. once you map for a while u know the wall size's door size's etc :p off by heart.. u dont need dev texture's to tell u them.. ahh well :p
Use the "replace texture" function. Once you've finished texturing everything you can see you select the control texture (bright orange dev or whatever) and replace that with nodraw. You should always do this because (A) it's good mapping practise (B) it means a smaller map file (C) which means a smaller download (D) and a marginally smoother playing experience if online (E) and a marginally smoother playing experience for low-spec systems (and an ever-so-slightly shorter loading time. Optimisation is key to mapping and nodrawing is one of the easier things to get in the hang of doing.
Yeh .. You would be surpised the diffrence the nodraw texture make's when it is use properly! to loading speed and game speed and file size! I just wanted to get across the idea of the textures being next to each other doesnt mean that it will not be loaded up ingame :) just wanted to help people on that side of things