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  1. M

    HL2 MP Server to Join

    sorry got work, and want to watch anmies going on adult swim, go tot he sticked thread, page 3, i was just going to spawn abunch of combine pulse rifles, honestly, the engine needs to be optmized we are abuseing the hell out of it
  2. M

    HL2 MP Server to Join

    hey you want to do Coop- load abck up that old map, and set sv_cheats to 1, and i can spawn some friends, i wont lag-kill us, just combine i know the commands decently well
  3. M

    HL2 MP Server to Join

    just load that basic M-player one we had, trust me coop experiments fail, cyphersphere, i talk with 3 hours experience, and think of it, even if they DO work its ONE load point to ONE LOAD point - NOT WORTH IT- hate to be mean, but logially im speaking
  4. M

    HL2 MP Server to Join

    cyphersphere, i tried that it wont work, and if you do sv_cheats has to be at 1, to unclip, and some asshole will abuse it (hell even i might spawn some advanced hardcore, Combine with rocket launchers ;) we need a chat room or something were we can get a low-ping game going
  5. M

    HL2 MP Server to Join

    lol i caught it, but only useing my rigged phyis gun, HAHA i made you fetch at the very end, good times, i want a real mod man, im disapointed about the no m-player at release thing
  6. M

    HL2 MP Server to Join

    lol, it was very laggy, WHO was i playing catch with, with the Bucket, of paint, that was awesome ! a whole mod could be based around thsi phyisc's MINI games
  7. M

    quick help please?

    ive loaded CSS with friends, and turned Sv_cheats to 1 (ip however, i cant find a way to spawn NPCS from half life, or anything, can someone please help me, whats the command npc_create isnt working with zombie or anything, any help would be apperciative
  8. M

    How do i spawn things

    where do i get a list of items
  9. M

    How do i spawn things

    I hear reports of Admins being able to spawn things on servers we need someone to make a DECENT half life DM map, so we can play whats the command to spawn a Strider? And is it possible to spawn these things in CSS i herd it is CRAZY
  10. M

    There is MP in Half-Life2! Just no maps yet! is running single player maps, but i might try to connect to the above post, if no one joins or it crash's i loaded raven :)
  11. M

    There is MP in Half-Life2! Just no maps yet!

    Can anyone set up a Perment high plaer server (16 +) ?
  12. M

    Wired bug, any experience Player Can help

    after almost 2 hours of fighting with it, the chopter, at the ENd part where it drops TONS of mines, wasent Attacking Me, Finally it attacked me, that still didnt fix it Knowing that it HAS to attack me, i reloaded WAY back, and then did 3 parts once more, THEN everything worked ok.
  13. M

    Wired bug, any experience Player Can help

    Help Please
  14. M

    Wired bug, any experience Player Can help

    Air boat level - After you take down the helicopter, and Raid the Repair base of the Damage level, you open the gate thingy, and Drive the Air boat, out the Ramp, and Fly off that huge Damn, Correct? is it suppose to load, after you land, or Mid Air, or before you jump? See on my...
  15. M

    After the dam

    Anyone else getting a bug that TO ME looks like the level fails to load, after you jump the air boat down the Dam? this is after youve taken the helicopter Repair base Down. Anyone?
  16. M

    Gentlemen and women, to Valve.

    For Valve And Honor !!!!...and Valve !!!
  17. M

    ARE we 100% Go at Mignight?

    Ladies and gentelmen, This is the Momment we have been waitting for GOD SPEED !
  18. M

    ARE we 100% Go at Mignight?

    OR is it possible valve will be evil, and, wait, like 4 hours, or 2 hours, or 40 secounds or something BUt seriously, they are doing it AT mid Night right?
  19. M

    Wait...So when's the game coming out?

    kiding? about breast ! HANG HIM !
  20. M

    Holy Shiz

    ooooooooooooooooo nevermind......dumb thread move-along