HL2 MP Server to Join

You have to extract it from the rar and put it in the folder noted above. I'm going to try restarting the server and trying out a coop level.
lol, it was very laggy, WHO was i playing catch with, with the Bucket, of paint, that was awesome ! a whole mod could be based around thsi phyisc's MINI games
Aha, the netcode is so horrible, I was forced into going where I didn't want to go. Sometimes, there would be a 5 second lag between when I pressed W and when I actually moved. Quite funny!
Edit: Marine, that was me, at the very end, before the server shut down. I would try to catch it, but I failed miserably.
lol i caught it, but only useing my rigged phyis gun, HAHA i made you fetch at the very end, good times, i want a real mod man, im disapointed about the no m-player at release thing
lol, you were playing catch with me Marine, I'm trying to start up a City 17 map with multiplayer Coop that doesn't crash. It should be 5 mins or so. I'll let you guys know when it's up.
cyphersphere, i tried that it wont work, and if you do sv_cheats has to be at 1, to unclip, and some asshole will abuse it (hell even i might spawn some advanced hardcore, Combine with rocket launchers ;) we need a chat room or something were we can get a low-ping game going
aww i was just about to connect and you closed the server down :(, how come?
Don't do it too late into the game, I haven't beaten it yet. I don't want to be spoiled. Will it be before or after Sand Traps? A simple "before" or "after", please. No details.
It crashed again with a "not a normal map....." couldn't read it all. What Map do you guys want to play on? I'm going to experiment with coop a little more while someone gives me a suggestion.
When you get ingame type "bind x +voicerecord" to set x to let you use your mic, its the only way to communicate so far.
just load that basic M-player one we had, trust me coop experiments fail, cyphersphere, i talk with 3 hours experience, and think of it, even if they DO work its ONE load point to ONE LOAD point - NOT WORTH IT- hate to be mean, but logially im speaking
I think d1_town_02 is a ravenholm map
Someone should make a Killbox map. That would be totally awesome. If it weren't so late, I'd try and do it myself, but I don't know Hammer very well, and I should be getting to bed. Maybe tomorrow, if enough people want me to, I'll give it a shot.
hey you want to do Coop- load abck up that old map, and set sv_cheats to 1, and i can spawn some friends, i wont lag-kill us, just combine
i know the commands decently well
EC, i live in the UK, ive been up all night, and its 7:25 am now...LOL
Yeah, but I have stuff to do tomorrow. Stuff that I can't remember right off the top of my head, but I know it's there.
Server Crashed again...

Yes I could hear you but my mic doesn't work for who was talking to me.

I'm going to throw the whole coop thing away and go back to deathmatch.

Let you know when it's up.
Crash... Ok Marine you wanted to try ravenholm again?
I'll enable sv_cheats if you want
guys, i could hear this american guy tell me he cudnt hear me that well? who was that? :O
Wow, I was on there until I got connection problems. It was impossible to walk and very laggy.

Edit: Do that again, I'll join back up.
It seems when it gets 5+ players everything gets lagged for a few seconds, making any kind of real combat pretty much impossible :p But at least voicechat works for those of use who have mics

KoreBolteR said:
guys, i could hear this american guy tell me he cudnt hear me that well? who was that? :O

lol that was me :) You kept breaking up, i couldnt understand what you were saying
I'll lower the ammount of players to 4 for coop because of lag issues. Sorry for those who won't be able to join.
You could make it so that there is only 5 players.

You're going to do coop? Does that mean I have to connect via sv_cheats 0?
KoreBolteR said:
guys, i could hear this american guy tell me he cudnt hear me that well? who was that? :O
I don't know, but I was the one who kept rambling on "I can't move!!" and "Ahhhh!"
Ok, I'm going to start loading back up Ravenholm. Keep in mind once you spawn in you need to move or other players will get stuck since there is only one spawn point.
Ok, what do you guys want me to do?
Deathmatch or coop?
I'm only going to set the server for 4 people because of HL2's netcode issue.
I'll try the other multiplayer map included in the pack from my first link on this thread.