HL2 MP Server to Join

make sure cheats are on in the coop maps because we need weapons
sorry got work, and want to watch anmies going on adult swim, go tot he sticked thread, page 3, i was just going to spawn abunch of combine pulse rifles, honestly, the engine needs to be optmized we are abuseing the hell out of it
haha that was awesome, i took a demo movie of it, i'll see if i can get it uploaded somewhere
Oops sorry crashed it messing with console, but i think i figured out how to have a scoreboard. I'm going with the other HL2 MP. Hopefully the board will work. Gimme a min to set it up.
crashed again... gimme 5 mins to look up some bindings... then i'll start the server back up
Crashed again, heh. that was really fun, i cant wait for a good mod to come out. Thanks for the server :)
Ok, was anyone experiencing any lag when it was just 4 players?

I'm going to attempt to enable the scoreboard... your going to have to set a key bind, a lot like how you set up the mic

in console type: bind "tab" "display multiplayer scores"

See if that works. I didn't get a unknown or bad binding when i just did it, i just need to see if it works.

Ok, starting up the server in a min...
I was there for a second before it crashed. The display multiplayer scores did not work.
yeah i know, too bad, i'll do some researching tonight on how to get it to work. I'll try to have a rough HL2 DM server up tomorrow, maybe with some skins and a decent scoreboard. Also make a config file for the server so I don't have to keep typing in everything.

The server is up now if anyone wants to check it out.
lol ok, no more sv_cheats spawning all of those combine make the server crash.

I'm going to go back to the other MP map because of the size
Ok, well the server crashed again...

I think that's it for the server testing for a little bit..

If anyone has any suggestions or some maps I can use please let me know. I'm going to go map hunting and see If i can at least have a default skin other than the greyish blob of a man.
Someone posted a MP model already a few posts back.

Heil ok vel,