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  1. P


    if it can help someone other, i did a little list of what i know !enemy !friendly !self
  2. P

    model deathmatch

    no as i saw, in a script server (sv_cheats 1) the people had fun with changing of models, but they wont let me know and its that frustrating me... (i saw them today)
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    model deathmatch

    I have a question about console stuff, i tried many way to change my model in deathmatch, i tried: cl_playermodel.... setmodel... but the 2 are not working. I also tried to change the model with config.cfg... never worked. In the server i go, its a script server, so when i ask they keep...
  4. P


    I need help for some stuff i cant find anywhere, i need a target entity; !player !activator this is the only things i found about the targets, but cant find the target i look at. is it something like: !lookat !look..... Can someone say all the targets form please?
  5. P

    .bsp and .vmf

    ok, now it worked, but it tell me that when i open it: Fatal exeption occurred. program will exit.
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    .bsp and .vmf

    to the download it say, page cannot be found
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    .bsp and .vmf

    I just wanted to know if there is a way to recover a .bsp as .vmf because i made a new map, and i losed my .vmf, and i only have the .bsp can someone help me with this map issue?
  8. P

    manhack's following error

    I need some help with the manhacks i added in a custom map, i added: ai_relationship ai_follow and all seems ok with relationship, but the problem is that the manhacks are not going to follow me, they go up in the sky and go more futher... i added some info_node_air, and npc-clips, and it...
  9. P

    What is YOUR Gordon's personality?

    good side: me, my gordon know all the place to go, know all the monsters, he is like a superhero, keep the stuff at floor, and block the doors or holes with it. bad side: He is like a super hero that is scared of noting. (no fun without scary stuff) He is cheating because its boring to do...
  10. P


    I watched ALL the video (page 5, the server wars with robots by v-man339) it was 1,39 hour... And this is the BEST ''movie'' ever (long like a movie). (it would be long as hell do this video...) and it gave me some ideas about making some stuff in a map.
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    PlanetPhillip HunterVille Mapping Competition

    me i would like to do a map such like that, but first, i dont have ep 2, and i live in canada, and i dont have a paypal account lol... And too, i mae a cool map, but my usb key has been formatted accidently, and my best town map was on it so i losed it, i only have the .bsp if someone want...
  12. P

    About sdk

    :flame: ok, I want to know why i cant access to the normals levels, like the trainstation, and places like that anymore, i only have my maps... i think its because of a stupid update... before i went in these levels to take important stuffs, like, a cool house, or a moving citizen... Now i...
  13. P

    The water

    Ok i tried 3 times to get the water work... my water is invisible, when i go inside, i see the water, but when im out i dont see... i was thinking about sky box, because water was invisible and i see skybox in... but i tried, with, and without, in all my maps, the water is invisible... im really...
  14. P

    The camera

    ok, i did a fast test, i linked a camera to a custom monitor (not the tv) and i linked the camera to it, cam_1 ----> monitor_1 cam_2 ----> monitor_2 but when i go see, all the monitors are same... can someone say why it wont work? i really need to make different ones...
  15. P

    making a script...

    I really need help to make my citizens do something, they wont do anything, i placed a scripted sequence, a model movement... but wont work, can someone explain me how to make my citizen sit on my bench? i have no more ideas... : ( i went in the hl2 maps, like trainstation levels... but...
  16. P

    Custom Elevator

    hmm... i tried, but i dont have just 1 button... i have a panel to go up, down, lock door, unlock door, but in parent i tried, but wont move with it... it stay where it is... my elevator is a lill more complex than this one
  17. P

    episode 2, need to buy?

    we need to buy the episode 2? or this is with the 1? because i dont want to have it in double, because ill have it this christmas. ''i think'' :P
  18. P

    Custom Elevator

    ok... i retried, and hammer keep crashing if i do it : /
  19. P

    Custom Elevator

    wont work :(
  20. P

    Custom Elevator

    Please, can there have entities moving same time? like i did ''my own'' an elevator with door i press the up button in the panel.. but the elevator go up, the panel and buttons and door stay at the first stage... how i can make them move? :(