Search results

  1. Mellish

    Humble deal

    Payed $7, most of it went to charity.
  2. Mellish

    Secret Santa Discussion 2010

    If my secret santa is watching, I do not mind if you don't buy things on my wishlist. As long as they're good games. Just make sure they're not strategy games or have turn based gameplay. Edit: And as long as I don't own them on steam! Double Edit: Also Glenn can you confirm you recieved my email?
  3. Mellish

    Your Favorite Video Game Music Tracks
  4. Mellish

    The most awkward italian dance party ever Edit: This was supposed to in the video/image dump but oh well.
  5. Mellish

    Secret Santa Sign Up & Wishlists - Closes Friday 17th

    Count me in!
  6. Mellish

    What do you do?

    I don't have any hobby or talents. I waste all my weekends getting drunk to some extent, and I'm incredibly unfit. It doesn't help that I smoke cancer sticks the whole time. So yeah I'm a ****ing waste of space.
  7. Mellish

    IMPORTANT: Very real possibility host is a scam artist

    I think it should be, have the same system where we all chip in for the monthly cost or whatever.
  8. Mellish

    IMPORTANT: Very real possibility host is a scam artist

    Eh, you forgot to add me to the whitelist.
  9. Mellish

    IMPORTANT: Very real possibility host is a scam artist

    Could you add themellish if you can my man. Edit: I'm already added too :)
  10. Mellish

    Games for Windows -- offerng Age of Empires 3 for 10 cents

    We should get a game on the go.
  11. Mellish

    Question for Math and/or Physics People

    hey man just find the mass convert it into energy its all cool
  12. Mellish

    Did I mention I got married?

    Hey great stuff.
  13. Mellish

    You Guessed It...Portal 2 Delayed till April [UPDATED]

    yaay right before my exams
  14. Mellish

    Happy 168th birthday!

    Have a good one!
  15. Mellish

    IMPORTANT: Very real possibility host is a scam artist

    Perhaps this is a opportunity to start on a completely new map?
  16. Mellish

    Possible episode3 reveal?

    I don't give two goddamn shits about DOTA, I just want my episode 3.
  17. Mellish

    Underrated Games of the past couple years?

    Spiderman 2 for the PS2.
  18. Mellish

    New Whitelist Information

    Add me again, it's themellish.
  19. Mellish

    Find a game I very loosely remember.

    Thank you, will try that out.
  20. Mellish

    Find a game I very loosely remember.

    Basically it was point and click sort of deal and the graphics were pre-rendered. It was kids game and consisted of these limbless creatures (like rayman) but shorter and more round. It the plot was something like a boy and girl looking for their grandpa and they had this photo of him they...