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  1. D

    Examining traditional approach

    If you played Crysis(seamless weapon customization) or Deus Ex(bottom track) you would know that inventory in classic RPG doesn't even have to exist, just some tweaking of concepts from Crysis and Deus Ex would suffice to have a fully functional inventory without opening a special screen...
  2. D

    New engine?

    Btw, I noticed that the quality of dynamic shadows included in E2 is of very low quality, is this indicative of the maximum limits of Source engine?
  3. D

    Examining traditional approach

    It seems to me that you want from HL2 to be a game that holds your hand, on the other hand S.T.A.L.K.E.R. gives you freedom which is essentially where replayability factor gets increased. A little bit of freedom like that could only make HL2 better and more replayable.
  4. D

    New engine?

    Games worth buying are very rare, no more than 10-12 per year.
  5. D

    New engine?

    Although I find this statement unfathomable like there is some sort of fake exclusivity of graphics and story, you have to realize that you are a very tiny minority. Furthermore I sense fakeness in this statement, because after all, graphics and "stupid" effects(like physics) just makes...
  6. D

    Examining traditional approach

    Do you think Half Life 2 would be better if it didn't have a fixed set of weapon slots and instead had an inventory like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and weapons are random depending on what you do or even are customizable, and do you think it would be better if it had side optional objectives now and...
  7. D

    New engine?

    Never mind, I just happen to like progress and new technologies, and believe that anyone who likes that should pay for that by buying a new computer. This mentality of waiting for some players to catch up is not only not conducive to progress but encourages status quo, I'm sure many people...
  8. D

    New engine?

    But that same demographic can play Crysis if they use proper graphic settings, no one is forcing anyone to use the highest settings, so your argument doesn't make any sense.
  9. D

    New engine?

    This doesn't add up, do we have to wait for 3-5 years before games start to look like Crysis?
  10. D

    New engine?

    I was wondering is any official information available on the implementation of new technologies? Although Source is a good engine, it seems to be obsolete for quite a while now(especially for outdoors), I guess we've all been spoiled by Crysis, you just cannot go on without automatic...
  11. D

    I almost cried

    Yep, they are geniuses and genius artists, I even think they toned down HL2 series to be accessible to a wider audience. When I think about how nobody came even close to making something so immersive and streamlined as HL2 on a planet of 6 billion, it really makes me sad.
  12. D

    I almost cried

    I just finished Portal and it was an amazing experience. It is so refreshing and intelligent, so powerfully subtle, especially that spiel with the Boss Droid in last chamber, so unlike the usual "I will destroy you" pattern when dealing with bosses in other games. And the turret droids are the...