Examining traditional approach


Jun 5, 2008
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Do you think Half Life 2 would be better if it didn't have a fixed set of weapon slots and instead had an inventory like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and weapons are random depending on what you do or even are customizable, and do you think it would be better if it had side optional objectives now and then, nothing too big like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Because I noticed that this greatly affects replayability factor, for example, COD4 is extremely linear, practically a shooting gallery arcade, but the fact that you can randomly change weapons and having to choose which ones to pick greatly increases replayability, if it weren't for that I wouldn't have played it more than 2-3 times but instead I played it dozens of times.

Not to mention the replayability factor of S.T.A.L.K.E.R...

Obviously if HL2 had touches like this it would be vastly better and the cinematic experience would be deepened.
I can't see any reason why this would not be improved besides maintaining established tradition, do you?
I'm not sure here. I find it less enjoyable when you can only carry one of a couple of weapons rather than select them. Having to select weapons like that a) removes the sense of excitement in finding a new one, b) prevents the use of weapon-based puzzles (after all, you may not be carrying the right weapon) and c) leads to unnecessary frustration when you can't choose the best weapon for the job once you know what to do.
Well for a start you already have enough weapons as it is, not to mention a gravity gun and a whole array of objects that be used as weapons. Stalker functions almost like an rpg, so having inventory elements works, but sticking it in Half-Life 2 will just decrease the flow that game carries, just wouldnt fit at all.
Um , where exactly did HL2 have touches of RPG gameplay?
Well for a start you already have enough weapons as it is, not to mention a gravity gun and a whole array of objects that be used as weapons. Stalker functions almost like an rpg, so having inventory elements works, but sticking it in Half-Life 2 will just decrease the flow that game carries, just wouldnt fit at all.

It seems to me that you want from HL2 to be a game that holds your hand, on the other hand S.T.A.L.K.E.R. gives you freedom which is essentially where replayability factor gets increased.
A little bit of freedom like that could only make HL2 better and more replayable.
Half-Life 2 isnt meant to be a game with awsome replayability, even though so many do like to play through it multiple times, but thats why Counter-Strike: Source was released with it, or a lot of other single player games have multiplayer options. Its to avoid sticking in elements, like rpg elements, that will just be a gimmick, rather than an exellent design decision.
No. Games like Half-Life don't warrant inventory management. And I don't agree with implementing "side objectives" in a strictly linear, continuous narrative.

Half-life does not need to be more like COD4 or Stalker.
Since having a random number and types of weapons doesn't even matter a little to me (seriously, who'd play through COD4 again just to see how much more exciting it is to shoot people with a different type of gun?) and objectives aren't really a big thing in Half-life at all so side-objectives wouldn't make much sense, plus the fact that others have said that HL2 is meant to be super-linear: No thanks, couldn't care less.
Not to mention the replayability factor of S.T.A.L.K.E.R...

I have played Half-Life four times.

I have completed the expansion packs Opposing Force and Blue Shift each at least three times.

I have completed Half-Life 2 too many times to recall.

I have played through Half-Life 2: Episode One twice, possibly thrice.

I have played through Half-Life 2: Episode Two at least twice.

I have played Half-Life 2: Lost Coast multiple times, and similarly Half-Life: Uplink possibly far more than any other game, short of ye olde Tiberian Sun demo.

I have never played S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

I can guarantee similar reactions coming from most other members of this board, partly because it's a Half-Life 2 specific forum, but also possibly because it's far more replayable.

I don't think the weapon system really has much to do with replayability, short of being a completely new, intuitive, incredible concept that takes the world by storm. Hell, Portal had only one gun and look how popular that game was!

Frankly, I was disappointed when I found out there were games out there that had a weapons system different from Half-Life, Doom, JKII and what other games you care to mention. Sure, it might look more realistic or be explained with greater ease, but it takes away a lot from the gameplay.
Dunno bout you blokes, but i ****ing lol'd hard when Gordon had his weaps vaporised in HL2. He's stuck in the security field, and this armoury comes floating off his person. Like...how can one person carry so much stuff?

Also, no customisation.
Dunno bout you blokes, but i ****ing lol'd hard when Gordon had his weaps vaporised in HL2. He's stuck in the security field, and this armoury comes floating off his person. Like...how can one person carry so much stuff?

In sven coop you could drop ammo/guns, even crowbar. I dropped it all, once. A fully equipped gordon should not be even seen under the piles of all that stuff.
Thats Sven Coop dude not Half Life 2
I mean yeah i like a certain about of weapon restriction but not to much to where it's like halo
4 of 2 kinds of nades and 2 weapons
And hell ask anyone
You could go through the entire game with JUST the gravity gun
Also i love it in Stalker when you drop everything. Ammo, weaps, artifacts, armour...it all makes this ****in huge pile on the floor lol
Well, I've played both STALKER and HL2/Ep1/Ep2 etc etc multiple times, and I think there might be a bit of enjoyment to be found in a limited amount of customizing weapons/items - only simple stuff, mind you, not as in-depth as STALKER. However, this changes what you're doing between firefights: instead of looking around in awe at the scenery, you'd be digging around in your inventory.
Which wrecks the cinematic feel. The less seen of your HUD/UI, the better. If I could get lasersights/ironsights for the HL2 guns, I'd play without the HUD all the time.

Personally, I liked COD4 and Halo's item management system (two guns+grenades at a time, swap for dropped weapons), except for the fact that if you didn't have a gun on you, you didn't pick up ammo for it. Made me try and plan for battles ahead, rather than the current "grab everything, keep going and hope it's enough".

Another good example is Bioshock, with its weapon/plasmid upgrading, and they also fitted that into the game's world very well.

As for side objectives: As bonuses/challenges, yeah I can see that. Otherwise: No. I didn't like the STALKER quest system.
I think I prefer the only two weapons system also, forces you to make judgement on what weapons to utilise and if you run out of ammo have to try and scavenge others in the middle of a firefight.
I like how it is. The HL gameplay as been built for almost 10 years now, i loved how Valve kept most of the gameplay elements from HL to HL2 to form a very specific style, a HL style that no other game has. I don't think Valve should change and ruin this tipical HL gameplay and copy other styles, it would not feel right.

Yes i like free roaming, multiple choices, inventories and all that stuff, but not in HL because it was going to clash with some basic HL gameplay principles.
If HL2 worked like STALKER, it wouldn't be a true sequel to HL. HL gameplay is simple and fast-paced. This is why it doesn't have things like iron sights and and crouching to increase accuracy. Could you imagine fighting hunters in CoD4? You'd take cover, engage your sights and then be killed straight away as they flank you. It is also why it doesn't have an inventory system like STALKER or Deus Ex.
Do you think Half Life 2 would be better if it didn't have a fixed set of weapon slots and instead had an inventory like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and weapons are random depending on what you do or even are customizable, and do you think it would be better if it had side optional objectives now and then, nothing too big like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Because I noticed that this greatly affects replayability factor, for example, COD4 is extremely linear, practically a shooting gallery arcade, but the fact that you can randomly change weapons and having to choose which ones to pick greatly increases replayability, if it weren't for that I wouldn't have played it more than 2-3 times but instead I played it dozens of times.

Not to mention the replayability factor of S.T.A.L.K.E.R...

Obviously if HL2 had touches like this it would be vastly better and the cinematic experience would be deepened.
I can't see any reason why this would not be improved besides maintaining established tradition, do you?

First of all, did you seriously replayed CoD4 just because you could use different guns? I replayed it because it was great, not just because of that almost insignificant detail.

Then, how can an inventory or side objectives make the game more "cinematic"? IMO games that give you a lot of freedom are not more cinematic. HL is like a movie that you play and where you are the protagonist, not some guy going around a huge extension of land doing stupid missions. BTW I didn't like STALKER at all; and as some had already stated this things will never happen, not only because it would break an "established tradition", but also because HL is excellent as it is
I should point out that just because I like the two-gun system, doesn't mean I want it in EP3 or the next Half Life incarnations. Leave it for the next series ([joke]like Opposing Force 2[/joke]). And I think I'd have a pretty good chance against the Hunters in COD 4. If I had a gravity gun.

And yeah, I don't replay games just for different guns either.
Well, I've played both STALKER and HL2/Ep1/Ep2 etc etc multiple times, and I think there might be a bit of enjoyment to be found in a limited amount of customizing weapons/items - only simple stuff, mind you, not as in-depth as STALKER. However, this changes what you're doing between firefights: instead of looking around in awe at the scenery, you'd be digging around in your inventory.
Which wrecks the cinematic feel. The less seen of your HUD/UI, the better. If I could get lasersights/ironsights for the HL2 guns, I'd play without the HUD all the time.

If you played Crysis(seamless weapon customization) or Deus Ex(bottom track) you would know that inventory in classic RPG doesn't even have to exist, just some tweaking of concepts from Crysis and Deus Ex would suffice to have a fully functional inventory without opening a special screen.

Considering that it is obvious any FPS would benefit greatly from various STALKER elements, including HL2, we can only conclude that it is regretful that episodic nature tied down further gameplay development of HL2.

Saying you haven't played STALKER is not really something you should say to enforce your argument since STALKER is a seminal game in FPS genre much like HL2 is. Both are extremely rare and precious jewels.
Basically, make everything more like STALKER.

Not every game plays out like STALKER, and intend to deliver diverse experiences. OpFlash doesn't aim to be like Quake 3. Deus Ex doesn't try to be Half-life. If you don't want to play a purebred shooter, then go play something else. Sitting here and expecting the series to cater to your wants just because you're too ****ing stubborn to pick up another title more to your suiting is just a waste of time.
"Gordon, follow Barney through the forest and to the cave without letting him see you to gain a Shotgun attachment!"
I would like to have the ability to be able to pick up any object, and depending on how much it would hurt in the real world. like, a re-bar would do more damage than a stick of wood