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  1. L

    freshman - too stupid to go through this SP map

    hey I found that "kitchen" and the wall piece! :) Heh and it's the end :)
  2. L

    freshman - too stupid to go through this SP map

    omg man do you read what I write?:) I am on the roof! I got there by the ledge behind the window, but what then when the animated sequence with trebuchet ends??
  3. L

    freshman - too stupid to go through this SP map

    and what then? There is nothingon the roof, just a helicopter shooting at me...
  4. L

    freshman - too stupid to go through this SP map

    Hello, thanks for remembering, but where is the kitchen? All rooms look the same and when I am on the roof I can choose to which side of the broken wall to fall. If I fall to the bigger space I cannot get to the other side with the gravity gun then...
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    freshman - too stupid to go through this SP map

    heh, now I see how you got your 8371posts :-D try that map it looks good.
  6. L

    freshman - too stupid to go through this SP map

    What's wrong with my english? I am talking about the map named freshman get it here and here is some talking
  7. L

    freshman - too stupid to go through this SP map

    Hello, did you play this nice map? I have a trouble getting anywhere in it :) When the helicopter shoots I jump into a building, find a locked gravitygun, but no way to get to it or whatever. If you played it, please advice. Thanks
  8. L

    Who's the Alien's boss now?

    yes, so who were those enslavers in HL1? Xenians?
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    Who's the Alien's boss now?

    Vortigaunts were alien slaves weren't they? They had handcuffs on their hands in HL1 on Xen.
  10. L

    controllable turret?

    and why do you need to spawn other prop at all? Just spawn a turret, grab it with physgun and that's it! :)
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    Fluctuating fps - Vista 64bit

    Hey people you would not believe me, because it was so strange and hardware horribly advanced that I don't even understand it, but anyway - it is solved now :laugh: Problem was in my PCIe bus - it ran only on x1, but it should be x16. I don't know why, but manual setting of PCIe frequency to...
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    Fluctuating fps - Vista 64bit

    and what about my fps problem? :-]
  13. L

    Fluctuating fps - Vista 64bit

    Hello, I have a big problem because my fps is very fluctuating. For example in first level of HL2, when I stand on the platform, it changes between 1-100 approximatelly every second! It is 1600*1200 and all other settings on high, HDR, FSAA 4x and so... the problem appears on my Vista 64bit...