freshman - too stupid to go through this SP map


Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hello, did you play this nice map? I have a trouble getting anywhere in it :) When the helicopter shoots I jump into a building, find a locked gravitygun, but no way to get to it or whatever. If you played it, please advice. Thanks
Is your english not good, number 1?

Number 2, what map are you talking about?
Too many adjectives.

Hello, did anyone happen to play this custom map? I have some trouble in this part; when the helicopter shoots, I jump into a building, find a locked gravitygun, but there's no way to get to it. Does anyone know how? If you played it, please give advice. Thanks.

I don't know.
heh, now I see how you got your 8371posts :-D
try that map it looks good.
i'll download it

I don't know.

then don't post

edit: oh i remember this map - it was quite buggy

there's a wall piece in kitchen - move it aside to go through little hole
Hello, thanks for remembering, but where is the kitchen? All rooms look the same and when I am on the roof I can choose to which side of the broken wall to fall. If I fall to the bigger space I cannot get to the other side with the gravity gun then...
you don't need gravity gun. get through hole on roof.
and what then? There is nothingon the roof, just a helicopter shooting at me...
there's a gigantic hole - how can you miss it
omg man do you read what I write?:) I am on the roof! I got there by the ledge behind the window, but what then when the animated sequence with trebuchet ends??
hey I found that "kitchen" and the wall piece! :) Heh and it's the end :)