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  1. Baserape>

    Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Free Weekend

    Thank you. Your reward is.........+1. Congrats Baserape>
  2. Baserape>

    Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Free Weekend

    I'd rather be spawn killed 50 times in gta race than play mw2.
  3. Baserape>

    Does anyone else think co-op should be a standard feature these days?

    Multiplayer modes should be at the heart of every game. Split screen and online modes should be standard issue. Apart from the online side of things multiplayer gaming has not really evolved from the early 90's! imo :)
  4. Baserape>

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version :O
  5. Baserape>

    Your av is disturbing. please remove it asap. thanks.

    Your av is disturbing. please remove it asap. thanks.
  6. Baserape>

    75 Indian Soldiers Killed

    Send in American gunships to light em up. That will teach them! Make everyone pay!1
  7. Baserape>

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    I'm have tits?
  8. Baserape>

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Thanks. I dislike the painting on the left. I'm thinking of replacing it with a picture of me.
  9. Baserape>

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    checking out my flying rape skillz
  10. Baserape>

    The iPad???

    I've been multi tasking on my tablet for a few years.
  11. Baserape>

    Worship me you fooools

    Just checking my 600 hundred and something posts....I disagree. You should check out the politics section. Noob. I out rank you. I joined in 2006. Now bow down you foooool.
  12. Baserape>

    Worship me you fooools

    Bow down and smell my cheesey cock :farmer:
  13. Baserape>

    The Falklands

    I agree with most if not all you have said.
  14. Baserape>

    The Falklands

    What are your thoughts on Falkland. Is it worth potentially risking British lives over piece rock the British should have handed over decades ago? I understand the population is mostly British and the people should be protected from any Argentine hostility. But I feel the British government...
  15. Baserape>

    A Photo A Day Thread

    I'm is a horse doing at the bottom of my garden? In 20 years I've never seen a horse perving at me while I'm getting dressed in my bathroom.
  16. Baserape>

    Blacking out from Alcohol

    :laugh: at the pussies that can't handle a drink.
  17. Baserape>

    Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

    GG -7. I'm not happy with getting stuck on props and I was pissed when the game crashed out at the end of a boss fight. I'm also slightly annoyed that I didn't get the chance to explore rape space. ME3 better have plenty of rape space from the word go!!
  18. Baserape>

    Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

    Trying to seduce Miranda atm but she keeps saying "Shephard I'm busy. Not now" :*(