Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Free Weekend

no thanks, call of duty sucks
Oh il give this a tr...
oh wait

Matchmaking. No thanks
Hmmm, I may download it just to do it for free. I'm sure I'm going to pissed off by the stupid kill streaks, the random perks that make you stupid fast and knife farther. Then the random broken kits like Last Man Standing.......

You know what? **** it. This game pisses me off just thinking about the gay.
I'd rather be spawn killed 50 times in gta race than play mw2.

I do not plan to participate in said event. However, I feel it necessary to let everyone know this fact. As a result, I've made a post that makes absolutely zero contribution to this thread.

everyone internet guy
Thank you. Your reward is.........+1.



I do not plan to participate in said event. However, I feel it necessary to let everyone know this fact. As a result, I've made a post that makes absolutely zero contribution to this thread.

everyone internet guy
lol This game is basically Call of Duty 4 minus the server stability and anti cheat measurements. I can't believe how much overhyped and overrated this piece of shit actually is. I find it hilarious that so many people actually put down $60 for this fraudulent shit. Idiocracy, here we come.
I already own it on 360, but this gives me a chance to try it out on pc.
Ill play it and bad mouth every single regular player for doing so