Search results

  1. Hollywood


    The C.H.A.O.S modification is currently seeking a 3D modeler of your talent. Here's our forums (Site will be up sometime this week): If you need more information about the mod, email me at [email protected] or catch me on MSN at...
  2. Hollywood

    C.H.A.O.S needs you!

    :cheers: Thought he meant coding :x. PS. Its my B-day today...and I want a pony! EDIT: Yay, Killer got me a pony:
  3. Hollywood

    C.H.A.O.S needs you!

    Engine tweaks, nothing really as we've just finally started getting some real work done. The story, we'll be doing more work on that sometime after tomorrow.
  4. Hollywood

    C.H.A.O.S needs you!

    Don't be too hard on him, and yes I am his friend. The story was quite good I thought, and alot of other people thought the same. The freewebs site was just to get a moddb account, the real one will be up soon. Oh and by the way, C.H.A.O.S was interviewed today. Check it out...
  5. Hollywood

    C.H.A.O.S needs you!

    No I'm not, and those maps are still not finished. That freewebs site isn't used, the real one will be up this week.
  6. Hollywood

    C.H.A.O.S needs you!

    If you want some information on the story, please refer to our moddb account:
  7. Hollywood

    C.H.A.O.S needs you!

    Its not a zombie mod.
  8. Hollywood

    C.H.A.O.S needs you!

    The position of Forum Moderator has been fulfilled.
  9. Hollywood

    Concept Artist

    He is just trying to help to get this topic ONtopic as am I. He shouldn't keep it to himself, I think its time we do get this ontopic. He's not stupid for saying we need to get ontopic, don't see how that can really work. Please, this is getting way offtopic, I think its time to get back ontopic...
  10. Hollywood

    Concept Artist

    I'm in Blue Thunder because its a friends mod, Madcow. Voice acting isn't really that much, do some voices and your done. There are alot of people in more than one mod, alot. Not just small jobs either, people who are leaders of two mods, co-leaders and such. Voice acting really doesn't take...
  11. Hollywood

    Concept Artist

    Actually, I'm in two mods at the moment; Blue Thunder, which I am a voice actor for, and my mod, C.H.A.O.S.
  12. Hollywood

    Concept Artist

    I fired him because his work wasn't up to scratch, I'll send you a concept that he drew if you'd like. I'm not 12 ok, can't you just understand that, or are you such an idiot you have to be told 10 times?
  13. Hollywood

    Concept Artist

    Its just strange that you'd post that here. Hey dude, I may hire you for my mod, my MSN is [email protected], I'll give you the info on there. EDIT: Too bad I fired you :)
  14. Hollywood

    Anyone need sketcher Or drawer?

    Sure dude, C.H.A.O.S could use one. Catch me on MSN at [email protected] or email me at [email protected] and I'll give you the details.
  15. Hollywood

    Wretched Abandon: Talent needed

    They don't need a concept artist, stop posting this crap in all these threads. Your posting "I'll help you" in threads that don't need that kinda help or your posting "I'll help you" in a thread which has a person offering THEIR help to someone else. Really dude, you gotta get off what ever your...
  16. Hollywood

    Concept Artist

    Why do you keep posting "I'll help you" on all these threads, who said they need help? This guy is offering his help, not saying he needs help.
  17. Hollywood

    Concept artist

    C.H.A.O.S needs a concept artist dude, catch me on MSN at [email protected] and I'll give you the details.
  18. Hollywood

    Modern Warfare Deathmatch // A Half Life 2 Deathmatch modification

    I'm terribly sorry, but this mod has been cancelled. I will contact Swat anyway, see if he'll want to continue.
  19. Hollywood

    Philosophers Project

    Well I know a bit of modeling, and I'm learning how to animate. I can only hope its a good step in the right direction.
  20. Hollywood

    Philosophers Project

    I have decided to quit the Philosophers Project mod due to inactivity of it and the need of focusing on my mod, C.H.A.O.S. I can only hope that my leaving will benefit the mod with a Co-Leader who can devote alot of his time to this mod. I say farewell now and wish you the best of luck.