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  1. Techercizer


    And there's the drop.....
  2. Techercizer

    Beyond Good and Evil 2 !!!!!!!!11

    *Gasp* Looks like we have an L off..... srsly tho, if u have a Gamecube it's like 30 bucks and it's awesome...
  3. Techercizer

    Beyond Good and Evil 2 !!!!!!!!11

    If you're a hardcore gamer then you've played BG&E, it's a cult classic.
  4. Techercizer


    The Nazis had the best everything! You think their uniforms are good, check out their summer camps!
  5. Techercizer

    Rate the last game you played

    Orange Box = 9/10 Loved it tons but kinda gettin bored after 4th week of straight play.
  6. Techercizer

    Beyond Good and Evil 2 !!!!!!!!11

    BG&E 2's coming? Am I supposed to be excited or something? CUZ I AM BIATCH!!!!!!!!!ZOMG
  7. Techercizer


    Forget about strawberry glaze, use orphan blood instead. It's magically delicious!
  8. Techercizer

    no episode 3 2008.

    Valve's expectancy is next summer or fall. Based on this it will most likely come out around Spring 2016.
  9. Techercizer

    What are these screenshots actually from?

    From Merriam Webster: 1: a hollow conduit or recess : tube, well 2 a: a covered passageway A hallway can technically be considered a tunnel. specifically : a horizontal passageway through or under an obstruction A closed top bridge over the grand canyon would be a tunnel, and would not...
  10. Techercizer

    Vortigaunts healing powers (Spoilers)

    could have been a Ham....
  11. Techercizer

    2 girls struck by train while sunbathing on tracks...

    don't you mean was dragged?
  12. Techercizer

    Mazda Furai concept car

    Oh god I think i'm in love....... If I could afford it I'd buy that car and drive to my mailbox cuz I could......
  13. Techercizer


    Yarly, it screams follow, worship, and stand aside or die to me......
  14. Techercizer

    The Tone of Episode 3

    I have kind of a blob grey inkling, like the color of the Borealis. you know, dull, corporate, wet paper white...
  15. Techercizer

    A massive amount of new pics (new preview)!

    Damn those Microsoft Moneywhores! one of these days they're gonna milk their customers one time too many and there's gonna be revolution up in this bizzitch. All the steam stuff will probably appear on LIVE 15 months after its release with price tags attatched...
  16. Techercizer


    Try em both! I saw a season or two of avatar and it wasn't horrible. (though I wouldn't stay up till midnight to see it though, DN pwnz.....)
  17. Techercizer

    the "OMG we're all going to die" map

    It means 2 dumb chicks got their legs removed cuz they sunbathed on the train tracks like retards..... O wait wrong location, It means Trains shiznit is goin down somewhere....
  18. Techercizer

    Vortigaunts healing powers (Spoilers)

    No, he gets his brain suctioned out by a flying Turnip with and very awkward looking tounge...
  19. Techercizer


    Noooooo One is a murderer who can kill people with his notebook the other tries to catch him there's plots and risks and incarceration and death attempts and fooling the FBI and crazy shiznit like that, these two guys are smarter than anyone I think ever has or will exist....
  20. Techercizer


    OMG DEATH NOTE PWNS I loved it, you'll probably love it. Not much actual fighting goes on though, it's mostly intilectual battles (but boy are the awesome!)