A massive amount of new pics (new preview)!


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Just start the gallery off: http://media.pc.ign.com/media/818/818215/imgs_1.html
I mean we got the old pics back again but this time they are in full hi-res glory. We also have some pics of the Infected and cornfield. The Source engine has reached a new high in graphics with this one. The blood that is splattered on Bills face looks creepy as well as realistic:

There is also an Infected side preview:
http://pc.ign.com/articles/856/856160p1.html More to come with tonights show. :eek:
Awesome, some L4D news!!!

EDIT: Just saw the news on Spike, they show the Witch in game video, but her attack is still a mystery (though it left quite a splatter and a horrible screen).
Awesome stuff!
I'm liking this one,

With every picture I see, I want it more and more!
When actually spawning as one of the three primary boss infected types, you get to pick the exact location to warp in. Initially you're a kind of zombie ghost, and can run around a stage looking for the ideal spot for materialization. It has to be a certain distance away from the band of survivors, though. You can't just spawn in on their heads and start clawing faces.

But this is our house!
Always wanted to know exactly what the hunter looked like. One word: Perfect.
Wow, I'm impressed... the game actually looks fun to play now.

The Witch isn't really that creepy though... could've made her sound a little more psychotic and creepy.
Everything looks great. A few animations tweaks here & there and some better weapon sounds will definitely help though.
You're probably gonna need one hell of a computer to play this. Damn, I wish I had a better one.
No, if your computer can run TF2 decently you should be able to run L4D as well.
No, if your computer can run TF2 decently you should be able to run L4D as well.

I agree. The Source engine is very fast and efficient. EP2 and TF2 have awesome graphics and minimal requirements.
Any word yet on when this is released? I just started anticipating it
Well in my interview they said that since TRS joined Valve, they are going to have better graphics than the OB. I would expect the same req still though. They are saying the first week of November as well. It's not a vague release date neither so it probably will be released then.
I might actually buy this when i comes out. Looks kickass.
It's probably going to be November, knowing Valve.
If they do, I guess it will be after the release.
It was supposed to be out last year, then they moved it to early 2008, then spring 2008. Then Valve took over and they said late summer, which in Valve time means Christmas.
it looks SO much better for it though, the lighting looks a heap better than from older screenshots. Hurrah!
It was supposed to be out last year, then they moved it to early 2008, then spring 2008. Then Valve took over and they said late summer, which in Valve time means Christmas.

Shit happens, development hits a snag.
I'm glad it got delayed. It looks a LOT better. Early videos made it look like Counterstrike Zombie Mod with better skins.
Looks sweet i'm buying this for defs. Is it gonna be available off Steam???

hope not :(
Yeah. Why would that be a bad thing? It's coming out for the XBOX 360 on the same day as well.
Of course it's being released on Steam, what the hell kind of question is that?
Relax, it's just a q.

Can XBOX 360 users connect to steam through XBOX LIVE? Let me reclarify, is there a capability on the XBOX where LIVE users can connect to Steam to dload games, updates and so forth from the internet? Would you know Hool?
Relax, it's just a q.

Can XBOX 360 users connect to steam through XBOX LIVE? Let me reclarify, is there a capability on the XBOX where LIVE users can connect to Steam to dload games, updates and so forth from the internet? Would you know Hool?

No, you can't. My friend has an xbox, and the orange box, and there is a huge difference between xbox live and the internet. There's no way to do it as of now. :/
Taa, shame. You'd think Steam would throw their services out to all consoles with capable connectivity. Obviously there are some inherent problems with this though :|
At the moment the biggest problem with updatable content through Live is Microsoft.
Damn those Microsoft Moneywhores! one of these days they're gonna milk their customers one time too many and there's gonna be revolution up in this bizzitch.

All the steam stuff will probably appear on LIVE 15 months after its release with price tags attatched...
Thread still going? :p Yes, Valve can make console and PC players to play against each other and it's technically possible. It's been said many times before that the PC and XBOX both share similar coding and the only lag between them is the build versions. The part about that though is functionality. They are struggling with how to make L4D on a console with the split screen ordeal. Also I don't think Microsoft is playing nice with free updates on TF2. That's why TF2 hasn't been updated since before the medic syringe gun exploit. I would still recommend the PC even if you you prefer the controller. In all new Source games, even the old ones like DOD:S, there is an option to hook up a gamepad or XBOX 360 controller. So you can get the best of both worlds.
I'm not exactly sure. If you and you 3 buds want to play L4D all on the same XBOX, you will all have like this tiny box to play with. You just can't have a good experience or survive with a 1/4 of the screen. IMO I think the best solution for Valve is to exclude split screen altogether for L4D on the XBOX. ;)
I'm not exactly sure. If you and you 3 buds want to play L4D all on the same XBOX, you will all have like this tiny box to play with. You just can't have a good experience or survive with a 1/4 of the screen.
Other FPS's don't seem to have a problem. I suppose the problem might come from having so many enemies on the screen at the same time.... can someone who plays console FPSs comment?

IMO I think the best solution for Valve is to exclude split screen altogether for L4D on the XBOX. ;)
Is this a joke?