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  1. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    my goodness fellow compatriots, I hope you are not currently attempting to imply that My position is not one of semi-unity with my fellow lounge residents in this current endevor?
  2. Techercizer

    I killed Dr. Kleiner

    he sent you into the frigging citael with one click, and didn't have the brains to open a window afterwards......
  3. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    And on those grounds I claim victory and chocolate caek!
  4. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    and now all of your dreams have come true....
  5. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    this would be so off topic over there it wouldn't even be funny...
  6. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    What you think this goes in the HL2ep2 Thread? lol this is no where near on-topic....
  7. Techercizer

    When the Internets goes too far: Lolcats + the Bible = can't has cheezburger

    Lol when I first found that translation I spent like 2 days laughing as I read it. Hilariously enough i've read more from that Transilation than the original bible.... =P
  8. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    Lol sry, should have been clearer: (Half-Life 2 Ep. 2 Gnome) Although if you have any other gnome creations/gibberish feel free to share!
  9. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    I searched around and didn't find one, so i thought I'd create a place for all your Gnome: Rants Whines Conspiracy Theories Creations Questions Insane Gibbering Jokes Poems Stupidness Pudding ...etc Let the Gnomefest begin! I'll start with my first gnome conspiracy theory...
  10. Techercizer

    I killed Dr. Kleiner

    [uppity british accent] Ten thousand Quid to the man who bags Lamar! [/uppity british accent] seriously though, how much HP does she have?
  11. Techercizer

    Under the Radar, Out of the Map: (possible spoilers)

    [wierd G-man intro] Firrst off, let me....admit? that I am completly new here? mmyess... for you sseee fellow poss-terss, I have not....lo-cated?..... any threads con-cccer-ning thisssss ssub-ject.... ssso acccept my...apologiesss if this has been.......discusssed.... [wierd G-man Intro]...