The Gnome Thread


May 26, 2008
Reaction score
I searched around and didn't find one, so i thought I'd create a place for all your Gnome:

Conspiracy Theories
Insane Gibbering


Let the Gnomefest begin!

I'll start with my first gnome conspiracy theory:

The advisors originally scouted earth long before the fall of xen, and the gnome you carry throughout the game IS ACTUALLY AN ADVISOR IN DISGUISE!!!!! He's trying to get you killed during Helicopter fights and to slow you down so you reach White Forest too late! and have you ever wondered how the Advisors found you and Eli so quickly, knew about your departure, and how to get in? THE GNOME TOLD THEM!!! YOU BROUGHT THE GNOME IN WITH YOU, YOU TOLD IT WHERE TO FIND YOU, AND YOU SENT IT INTO SPACE SO IT COULD FORM A GALACTIC SUPER-LASER TO CHANGE ALL CHICKENS ON PLANET EARTH INTO ANGRY WALRUSSES WITH NO BUKETS!


-Travelocity, You'll never roam alone......ever......

Gnome jokes have been around long before any modern game.
Lol sry, should have been clearer:
(Half-Life 2 Ep. 2 Gnome)
Although if you have any other gnome creations/gibberish feel free to share!
Wrong forum man!

Wrong neighborhood man!

I'ma cut you!
What you think this goes in the HL2ep2 Thread? lol this is no where near on-topic....
So like one time I was mulching this yard at work and everyone was taking a break and stuff and then there was this lawn gnome and I was like lol I should post this later right!

So like one time I was mulching this yard at work and everyone was taking a break and stuff and then there was this lawn gnome and I was like lol I should post this later right!


and now all of your dreams have come true....
Of course, I've been laughing out loud the whole time
my goodness fellow compatriots, I hope you are not currently attempting to imply that My position is not one of semi-unity with my fellow lounge residents in this current endevor?
my goodness fellow compatriots, I hope you are not currently attempting to imply that My position is not one of semi-unity with my fellow lounge residents in this current endevor?

Stop tryin's soun all knowledge with your missused wurdz, les break dis foo!!!
Feel free to enjoy the immense vocabular information overload cause your head to explode in 3...2...1... HOWZ AT FOOZ?
Let's beat this fagnigga' bitch Vegeta!

He ain' part our club mayneee

my goodness fellow compatriots, I hope you are not currently attempting to imply that My position is not one of semi-unity with my fellow lounge residents in this current endevor?

ZT what da **** dis bitch talkin' about?

Stop tryin's soun all knowledge with your missused wurdz, les break dis foo!!!

Holy **** I lol'd
This is like 'I made a lol' all over again, except slightly more hilarious
Hey nig, We be going ta beat da whitey out o' ya just yo mamma beat the white outta me


Hello, I have just arrived. Looks like something is happening here.
indeed, many localized events are indeed occurring within close proximity in both time and space to your recent observations buuuuuuuuudyy!
I'm considering entering this ongoing game thing we have going on here with a southern accent. Unfortunately it translates very poorly to text.

**** it

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We got 4 cruzy wiggers pullin off some crazy shit down hur! I'm gonna need backup cuz we got un officer dayne! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I'm considering entering this ongoing game thing we have going on here with a southern accent. Unfortunately it translates very poorly to text.

**** it

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We got 4 cruzy wiggers pullin off some crazy shit down hur! I'm gonna need backup cuz we got un officer dayne! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

That's not funny. It's like genocide for us
Most unpleasent chaps...

Indeed I have a hilarious gnome image within my signature.