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  1. F

    Changes in Vampires. (trailer)

    It is a combination, and to be honest, to me the characters look like clowns for now. Which loses a lot of atmosphere, gameplay or not.
  2. F

    Looks Like Crap

    Its an old screenshot, take a look at how the nossies look now. :)
  3. F

    Your style of play?

    Brujah guns blazin'! Lets name my character Theo ;)
  4. F

    Why does it look like the hostages are like 3 ft taller than yourself?

    Well, lets just make the hostages midgets. :)
  5. F

    Changes in Vampires. (trailer)

    Cause I am a V:TM LARP player? But it is still a movie, they could post pics for the chars though. :)
  6. F

    What kind of maps woud you like?

    So, considering the source power and the maps discussion going on anyway. What kind of maps you would like that are not in the normal version? Like a map in the woods(that is better than the last one) or a map in a multi leveled building that is actually a lot larger than the office map(for...
  7. F

    What about us? valve? hello?

    Either get one or wait, you can not blame valve. What should they do, bring out the preload files for sale and make you wait or something!?
  8. F

    Changes in Vampires. (trailer)

    Atmosphere. Lets be honest, when a game looks non-convincing it loses a lot of atmosphere. And allthough I am certainly o buy this game, the trailer isn't really great in my eyes. :)
  9. F

    The Lost Package!

    Indeed, perhaps it has something to do with the whole :Housemerkparty" goin on? Bonusaanbieding for HL2? :afro:
  10. F

    Changes in Vampires. (trailer)

    Hm, this trailer plainly sucked, and not just cause its a vampire game. :\ The only thing I really liked was the male Brujah.
  11. F

    Bloodlines Box Art

    Geez, that box sucks. Why not just a black box, with the camarilla sign on it? Or hell, 6 boxes, so you can pick your favourite camarilla clan! (yes yes, I know the gangrel etc..) ;)
  12. F

    Quicksave or not ???

    That is your problem, not mine :) I just like to save in front of a difficult leap, not round every corner. :) Perhaps there should be a system where you can only quicksave once in every ten minutes?
  13. F

    Quicksave or not ???

    Don't all shooters have quicksave options these days? (part from the console ones)
  14. F

    Choose your weapon, sir!

    My claws will suffice. Protean all the way baby.
  15. F

    Changes in Vampires. (trailer)

    Good, spend one bloodpoint to get a hard one. :P Official WW rules. By the way, there is a vampiric skill in which you can adjust flesh and bone, calles flesh(and bone)craft. It is a Tzimisce(zhee-mee-shee) skill. :)
  16. F

    Can you chose between good and evil?

    Trust me, it will be ok redemption was allso playable enough, though at that point I did not even know what a Brujah was.