Your style of play?

So, how will you play?

  • As a magician, using magic to turn my foes inside out!

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • I'm going in all gunz a-blazing!

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • As a sneaky git, skulking in the shadows.

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Pfft, no guns for me. Manipulation and persuasion all the way mate!

    Votes: 7 24.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
Well, will you be a sneaky vampire hiding in the shadows, an Arnold Swarchenegger with pointy teeth, or maybe a seductive beast, using persuasion and manipulation to achieve your goals?
A little from collem A and a little from collem B

(An insane vampire that might be abit seductive but it that does'nt work she will kill everyone :eek:)
I'm going in guns blazing. But i think its going to eb a bit of both mixed to enjoy the rpg elements a bit more
Yeees, RPG elements :)
Don't wanna turn this piece of art into your standard FPS, do you now? ;)
First time through I'll be gunning down dem bad guys. Second I'll probably go for a magic/persuasive char. Another possibility would be melee with a bit of stealth. You forgot melee as an option though :O
Oh, damnit :(
Maybe an corrupted Japanese Martial Arts Master, using only swords? :E There's no end to the RPG possibilities!
All of them of course!

I'll probably rely on guns the most though ;)
Most likely sneaking in the shadows... with a silenced pistol with it's safety off and with a knife on my belt.
Sam Fisher...Y'know, those stealthy games? What are they called now again...Splinter Cell, that's it :)
Ahh those! I've only played the demo! But kinda like him, only much, much more violent :p
I will most probably be the "seductive beast". :>
Just using guns and other stuf to kill opponents just goes one way - they die. Using magic, same thing. Sneaky bastard in the shadows then? Well, also a good choice. Combine sneaky bastard with talkative, manipulating bastard and you've got me. Rawrr.
Makes a good combo, allthough its been said there will be places you have to do combat in, so if your a suductive vampire, your going to need basic combat skills too ;)
I always my fallout template in RPG games, a highly intelligent character with some weapon skills because we all know sometimes you can't just talk your way out of it hehe. Voted for the last choice by the way :)
The 'new' Sam Fisher in the upcoming Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, is pretty mean. Using a knife now...
Manipulation and persuasion and a bit of skulking in the shadows as well.

Need a break from the guns a-blazin' type ;)