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  1. C

    my thoughts on realism.

    i have some, but its all been very limited: changing skins, names, the occasional class type, etc. pervert that i am (and was) i modded the shard gun in the original unreal to shoot dildoes: a simple name change and a new skin. other than that, i'm in the game design program at ITT: hopefully...
  2. C

    where is this gun?

    what gun is this?
  3. C

    my thoughts on realism.

    what has that got to do with anything? this isn't about hunting. its not about gun policy. its not about tree huggers or gun nuts or any of those things. its about mods and games, and how- in my oppinion- they could be better. i don't CARE how dumb you think guns are. they're there, and they're...
  4. C

    SOURCE your favorite game

    i have another one: Postal 2! i'd like to see the real physical effect of urinating on another person/animal/place. if postal 2 was source i'd never leave the house.
  5. C

    my thoughts on realism.

    wow, i opened a can of worms. seems like i have every gun nut and tree hugger here just waiting to duke it out. on one side, i feel sorry for the tree huggers.. they'll get shot before they can come close enough to hug one of the nuts... but on the other i also feel sorry for the nuts because...
  6. C

    my thoughts on realism.

    err... if its a crime to have guns in the uk... then only criminals have them. ever heard of the IRA? they invented the car bomb, i'd be very surprised if they didn't have guns, especially considering they were supplied by the soviet union in the eightees and haven't been all accounted for...
  7. C


    to my credit, that guess was based on an article i read in PCG a while back.
  8. C

    SOURCE your favorite game

    Thief. kicking ass and taking names- and everything esle they happen to have on them- is something i'd love in SOURCE.
  9. C

    my thoughts on realism.

    we can't have automatic weapons. we haven't had them for about seventy years, without permits (there are exceptions, but thats the general rule). we in america laugh at the UK law enforcement, with such jokes as 'stop! or i'll say stop again!' or 'with all those cameras, they might actually...
  10. C


    oh, right. i think it's not earth because black mesa was in the DESERT. the lab that you get to after the airboat level is called 'black mesa east'. seems like a bit of a large transition, wouldn't you say?
  11. C

    Arnie teaches some weaklings how to drive.

    Arnold For President!
  12. C

    Now, I'm no entomologist, but...

    look closely at them. if they are a dark orange with random spots, those aren't ladybugs, they're a type of japanese beetle. this being winter, its the perfect time for them to discover the great indoors! if they are the beetles i'm thinking of (they infest my grandparents house) they'll be...
  13. C

    what foods do YOU hate more than your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?

    i hate rice krispies, and i wanted to start a support group for people who hate specific foods for no apparent reason. i hate rice krispies because they seem so angry. they pop and crackle, like they're about to snap. i don't want a breakfast cereal with a felony on its record just because...
  14. C

    Performance Inhancers.........

    try the black viper windows tweaks, that will free up a lot of RAM for gaming. i think the website is
  15. C


    since most of you who have played have already finished the game, i'd like to put out a few theories about whats going to happen and what HAS happened. fist off, the basics: i think that gordon was asleep for roughly fifteen-twenty years. second thing, i don't think city 17 was on earth...
  16. C

    my thoughts on realism.

    the only *normal* reason a gun would be out in a situation like this would be self defense and defense of others/property. thats the only time, within the confines of law, that a loaded gun is pointed at another human being. being trained with and fluent in the use of guns from any official...
  17. C

    A social viewpoint on Counter-Strike and it's insults.

    this seems kind of stupid. i think you're looking too deeply into this.
  18. C

    SOURCE your favorite game

    What game, besides half life 2, would you like to see in the SOURCE engine? any game, old or new, 2d or 3d, list it here.
  19. C

    my thoughts on realism.

    gun people scare you? to be honest, if i had to choose between a person who knew guns and a person who didn't, i 'd be more scared of the person who didn't, because-given a dangerous situation- they won't know what to do. then theres the classic saying that 'if guns cause crime, then mine are...
  20. C

    my thoughts on realism.

    i never claimed to be always right, i was going on memory alone for that. thanks for the heads up on the famas thing. as for the difference between magazines and clips? i spend more time shooting with them than i do naming them. to me they both serve their purpose and thats all there is to it.