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  1. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6

    Hey guys, again, i am plopping up another 12 viewpoints and renders of weapons, hope you enjoy.
  2. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6

    2 new weapon Renders up, should be getting some more soon, the models are done, just gotta Veiwpoint and Thumbnail them...
  3. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6

    nope, our weapons are well selected from throughout the time period, and on some occassions have some imagination added to them to give them an upgraded feel. i should have more weapons renders up this weekend, they are done, just need uploaded.
  4. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6

    uhmm, sorry to double post, but what happened to the topic?
  5. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6

    Site: - soon to be Story Snippet: One died in a raid on a terrorist bomb-making lab in southern Chile. Another fell during a bloody conflict while gathering intel on rival Nigerian warlords. Another was assassinated by thugs in the Balkans...