Renegade X: The Dead 6


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Site: - soon to be

Story Snippet:
One died in a raid on a terrorist bomb-making lab in southern Chile. Another fell during a bloody conflict while gathering intel on rival Nigerian warlords. Another was assassinated by thugs in the Balkans. Another died in Turkey; another in Australia; another in Jordan.

They're the Dead-6, but they're anything but dead.

Full SP Campaign
5 MP Modes
Full cd-quality Soundtrack
10+ vehicles
10+ characters
10+ maps
too many weapons to list
and a whole lot more

Come check us out, and keep an eye on our media section, as content will start to be uploaded very shortly in version that you can zoom, pan, and spin the models (

Don't say the new kids on the block won't cause any trouble, cause we have just begun...
uhmm, sorry to double post, but what happened to the topic?
interesting theme u have there.. can't wait for some renders

whats intriguing about this mod and other ones is theres SP campagines which hasn't really been popular with HL1 as much but with HL2 looking as good as it has, even SP modes are something to look forward to.

good luck :)
I hope you don't make so many weapons that some of them end up being pretty much the same.
Originally posted by mrchimp
I hope you don't make so many weapons that some of them end up being pretty much the same.

nope, our weapons are well selected from throughout the time period, and on some occassions have some imagination added to them to give them an upgraded feel.

i should have more weapons renders up this weekend, they are done, just need uploaded.
Sounds cool, but I'd say do something with the title. Long ones with a dozen subtitles aren't very catchy. Why not just 'The Dead Six'?

You have an interesting theme. I like it.
2 new weapon Renders up, should be getting some more soon, the models are done, just gotta Veiwpoint and Thumbnail them...


Hey guys, again, i am plopping up another 12 viewpoints and renders of weapons, hope you enjoy.
hmm Zombie anti terrorist specialists?

it's original I'll say that :)
Nice weapons, the GDI Shotgun looks great, my favorite from teh group.
deservingly added to my mods to watch bookmarks ;)

Im a huge C&C fan, and I checked out your wold pup first, and I was thinking that it looked like something the GDI would produce... then I saw that it was in fact along the same lines!

cant wait, a C&C inspired mod:)
I won't lie to you, it looks promising, but doesn't Westwood (or EAP) own the copyright to the C&C universe? They might not be too happy about you making a mod based off their intellectual property, and might tell you to shut it down...
already on that one, talking to them and Lou Castle, will be presenting Demo Level to them, but since we are 100% recreating, and approving script via EA, its all good
Originally posted by Dante
Zombie anti terrorist?


You might want to mention the fact they aren't killed but 'made to disappear' when presenting your mod, otherwise I'm sure more people will think it's a game about zombies (and that would be a shame), zombies are a common theme in the game world.