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  1. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    Actually i partly described my life. Id like to hear some details about yours. Id like to hear your life since it must be what you think the real definition of poor is. Everyone knows a person from another country can come here and get a better education and job then a poor family because...
  2. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    Im still confused how there is no excuse for being poor. I mean If you try everything you could like getting a better job, going to the county for help, asking friends and family for help, selling stuff....etc What else are you suppose to do? I mean you act like theres ALWAYS a way to...
  3. Assassin X

    Post your recent Deathmatch Scores!!!!

    See. Technically now your just being nieve. I do hate it when people say "Well you were just facing weaker people". Give me a break, if someones better then you admit dont make excuses. Like me for an example. I am a Pro Gamer. Heres a pic if you dont believe me: Have you ever gone to...
  4. Assassin X

    Post your recent Deathmatch Scores!!!!

    I was gonna say. Like i said i dont expect anyone to believe me. And i could really care. I dont have an ego so i dont take pics, i play to have fun. But if you want to make yourself happy go to the thread about Barricades to see how i got the score. Anyways ive seen higher scores in...
  5. Assassin X

    Barricade Screenshot

    Thats the thing Valve should fix is the "Sticky" end of Barricading. I dont mind doing it because i know eventualy people can get past but the sticky thing sucks. I dont want that to happen.
  6. Assassin X

    Post your recent Deathmatch Scores!!!!

    ROFL SKYLINE. You get the Liar of the day award. No one can JUST use the pistol and get that score and not die. Unless your cheating, on a server with 1 other person who ahs the skills of a rock or your just full of it.
  7. Assassin X

    Post your recent Deathmatch Scores!!!!

    OMG isnt amazing that you have a Revolver in your hand? I hate those people. I dont camp a weapon. I never use rocket launcher unless i have no other choice. And i dont camp. I use whatever is nearby and i never standstill long enough so im always mocing and picking up something else.
  8. Assassin X

    Post your recent Deathmatch Scores!!!!

    I can tell you my best and its 784/13. Played for 5 hours on the same map on the same server. But i never thought of taking a pic. Simply because i dont have an ego. I could care. However i do got a pic of a 188/62 score i got in CS:S. Althought thats not my highest either.
  9. Assassin X

    Barricade Screenshot

    Yep. I never liked using Rocket Based weapons in FPS onlien games. I feel cheap. lol.
  10. Assassin X

    Barricade Screenshot

    Maybe i should point out what i do when i block off the third floor? I dont use the rocket launcher. Im usually packed with as much ammo and guns as i could get before i came up. Whenever the rockeet spawns i gravity gun it down to the street from someone to ahve to shoot it at me....if they...
  11. Assassin X

    Barricade Screenshot

    Exactly. Dont like my little beaver skills then get rid of the gravity gun. Just like alot of people dont like Gravty Gun Jumping. Or the Gravity GUn period. So removing it would make alot of people happy. So complaing about baricades just addes to the list of why it should be removed. Thats all...
  12. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    Yeah i agree. I noticed that alot. People come in state there opinion then say it should be locked. Obviously its not been locked yet because theres nothing wrong with it.
  13. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    I "Wish" everyone could have broadbrand so the 56k people could enjoy playing the games even more online. But i understand this is the real world and this stupid plant revolves around the might dollar and that not everyone can afford it. Where as you say anyone that doesnt have broadband...
  14. Assassin X

    Barricade Screenshot

    BTW if you dont like it dont play the game. Because if you want it to stop then you would also agree you think uses the Gravitry Gun to "Boost" to out of reach spots is bad. And youd also be agreeing that it should be taken out of the game. So like i said its all part of the game. Dont...
  15. Assassin X

    Barricade Screenshot

    Heres mine. I teamed up with a guy in DM....YES DM. And we ruled the Rocket Launcher roof! No one could get by the barricade! After words we went down and shot mostly everything else we could to the third floow fromt hr streets and blocked EVERYTHING...
  16. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    For once im going to say the same thing as Edge. We also make room in our Budget for Broadband. Not because...well ill mention it in a sec, but because its the only luxury I have and wanted. But the sacrifice is no Online Games that cast money and others things like rarely any Movies and...
  17. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    Who said i posted that to show you? Your not the only one that think 56kers are evil. I know there are others. Technicaly even someones not "buying" games and there getting them through other methods there still gaming and according to the definitio there a gamer. Like it or not. I...
  18. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    Oh BTW i should point out that statement i made is an actual one ive heard.
  19. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    I THINK.... Everyone should own at least a 9.1 speaker system with a 70+ Inch HD Flat Screen TV and have a DVD Player and at least 100 DVDs in a NICE $10,000 Tv Center. And you must have at least 800 Satelite Channels including all the EXPENSIVE HBO type stuff. With todays technology and...
  20. Assassin X

    Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

    I got a good one. What about the people in Africa? The little children that are dying in the streets of hunger? The mom who would die because she would rather give her last piece of bread to her children before she dies just to make sure they live? Is that that their fault? Are they full of...