Barricade Screenshot


Nov 24, 2004
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I was playing HL2: DM, when I created a few barricades. Please post some of your own barricades, the bigger the better!

(In case you didn't realize, F5 takes a screenshot :thumbs: )


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Heres mine. I teamed up with a guy in DM....YES DM. And we ruled the Rocket Launcher roof! No one could get by the barricade!

After words we went down and shot mostly everything else we could to the third floow fromt hr streets and blocked EVERYTHING in the stairwell ALL THE WAY UP PAST THE STAIRS!

I had 784/13 and the guy had 706/21. ROFL!!!
You st*pid! never make that barricades... it's just annoying for who is not an asshole, okay?

Please, stop. -.-

BTW if you dont like it dont play the game.

Because if you want it to stop then you would also agree you think uses the Gravitry Gun to "Boost" to out of reach spots is bad.

And youd also be agreeing that it should be taken out of the game.

So like i said its all part of the game. Dont like its strateigc use then dont paly.
Assassin X said:
BTW if you dont like it dont play the game.

Because if you want it to stop then you would also agree you think uses the Gravitry Gun to "Boost" to out of reach spots is bad.

And youd also be agreeing that it should be taken out of the game.

So like i said its all part of the game. Dont like its strateigc use then dont paly.

Do not put words on my mouth. I like the grav jump. And you guys are campers. That's not the game. That's you ruinning the game. It's like when ppl stay on he doors and do not let the other pass in CS... it's n00bish, and not fun to everyone else.

And the "strategic" part... :LOL:

Many servers ban who makes that... think why...
some ppl dont know how to have fun , wish these whiney shits would stop ruining fun for others, if u dont like it : FO!
Assassin X said:
BTW if you dont like it dont play the game.

Because if you want it to stop then you would also agree you think uses the Gravitry Gun to "Boost" to out of reach spots is bad.

And youd also be agreeing that it should be taken out of the game.

So like i said its all part of the game. Dont like its strateigc use then dont paly.
its not, after the trick jump vid that utilizes those tricks the got send to valve, cliffe commented with that he has a bit of work to do to remove this stuff. (fix gaps in the maps) And who are you telling others they should not play if they dont like your "retarded and lame" tactics, don't be so selfish ass
i dont think it is annoying when they make barricades... for example, some guy made a barricade blocking the third story, so i went outside and started throwing explosive barrels up there :D
haha. Me and my friend had a little 1v1 whoever made the best Barricades. Then attacked each other, ill post some screenshots once i get home.
I think it's fun, I always block the side entrance to the control room in dm_lockdown if I'm Combine the first thing I do. Of course, there's always someone who's stupid and remove it, even though it works great to stop 'em.
MigaS_tX said:
Do not put words on my mouth. I like the grav jump. And you guys are campers. That's not the game. That's you ruinning the game. It's like when ppl stay on he doors and do not let the other pass in CS... it's n00bish, and not fun to everyone else.

And the "strategic" part... :LOL:

Many servers ban who makes that... think why...


cs fag
Cheapest way of controlling a map, blocking a door, just purely pathetic, if I was admin in that server I would've kicked you in an instant. If you need to block a part on the map, you need to get some skill, you should be able to defend it.....
lol this is dm not cs people....its not about defending and attacking it is a pure fragfest...blocking a door is an easy way to dominate a while...but its still not impossible to get through a blocked have the grav gun!
Honestly failing to see the problem with blocking doorways here....

Really cant find a reason not to do it....

Nope, I guess I'll keep doing it then. I enjoy defending more than attacking.... that falls under defending to me.

Oh and for those saying we can't get kills.....

We can. :)
i agree. it's deathmatch. all these people whining about RPG, magnum etc. fair enough maybe they are powerful. but they're a part of the game. rather than moan about it. get used to it. get good at it and use it against "the lamers".

and as for barricading. it's a useful tactic. and i can't see any reason why not to do it. you can always get through barricades anyway and plus it's a bit of fun. that's what dm is about. fun.

stopping people barricading is like saying oh well you can't have a gravity anymore. it's something thats part of the game. deal with it.

nice pics btw. was on a server the otherday. sumhow someone managed to get the green car onto the RPG level of the building. duno how they did it. i cant get it thru the doorways :(
pixartist said:

cs fag

I hardly play cs... i don't like it very much, too boring...

Now, let's barricade the doors, play with super magnum and rocket launcher! :D So that we can get more frags and really make a difference in our real lifes! Yeah!

Make a poll, who likes to barricade and who doesn't like that.
Or "who want's mor fraggzors 'cheating' in the game and abusing of bugs" against "i want be better with my true skillz and no 'cheating' cause i hate that" .

n00b fagg0t :E

This is maybe not really a barricade, more of a pile:p It's every item in DM_overwatch except for one green cabinet that i accidentally threw off the map :cheese:
Dang my file was too large:/ See if i can get it down a bit
I do it all the time, because I'm having fun.

And as long as I get my jollies, thats all that matters.
stopping people barricading is like saying oh well you can't have a gravity anymore. it's something thats part of the game. deal with it.

Exactly. Dont like my little beaver skills then get rid of the gravity gun. Just like alot of people dont like Gravty Gun Jumping. Or the Gravity GUn period. So removing it would make alot of people happy. So complaing about baricades just addes to the list of why it should be removed. Thats all valve sees so keep whining and dont caplin when it gets removed.

Hey i think the Revolver and Rocket Laucher are to powerful and camped but Valve does nothing about it. I think the shotgun is underpowered. I THINK the pistol glitch sucks. Yet none of these Valve seems to fix. But i still play the game and dont let it bug me so stop whining and go play something else.

Anyways its not like you cant get past a barricade.
Maybe i should point out what i do when i block off the third floor?

I dont use the rocket launcher. Im usually packed with as much ammo and guns as i could get before i came up. Whenever the rockeet spawns i gravity gun it down to the street from someone to ahve to shoot it at me....if they can. So its not like im using it.
Assassin X said:
Maybe i should point out what i do when i block off the third floor?

I dont use the rocket launcher. Im usually packed with as much ammo and guns as i could get before i came up. Whenever the rockeet spawns i gravity gun it down to the street from someone to ahve to shoot it at me....if they can. So its not like im using it.
Now that's what I call nobility in warfare!
Yep. I never liked using Rocket Based weapons in FPS onlien games. I feel cheap. lol.
Thats the thing Valve should fix is the "Sticky" end of Barricading. I dont mind doing it because i know eventualy people can get past but the sticky thing sucks. I dont want that to happen.
pixartist said:
lol this is dm not cs people....its not about defending and attacking it is a pure fragfest...blocking a door is an easy way to dominate a while...but its still not impossible to get through a blocked have the grav gun!

ALso grenades are good at getting rid of barricades ;).
piling a ton of shit in the stairwell i have no problem with, as it can be removed (usually, unless it gets stuck together), but i hate it when someone shoves cars in the 2nd-3rd floor stairwell, because you can't get them out, and it's just ****ing annoying.
setting up barricades allows you to set up choke points throughout the map, allowing you to deny crap to others, its very tactical
MigaS_tX said:
You st*pid! never make that barricades... it's just annoying for who is not an asshole, okay?

Please, stop. -.-

I'm not going to stop making barricades: they are tactical, which is part of the game. If you think they are annoying, so be it, but I'm not going to stop.
MigaS_tX said:
Do not put words on my mouth. I like the grav jump. And you guys are campers. That's not the game. That's you ruinning the game. It's like when ppl stay on he doors and do not let the other pass in CS... it's n00bish, and not fun to everyone else.

And the "strategic" part... :LOL:

Many servers ban who makes that... think why...

Camping is not against the rules in most servers. Anyways, there are very simple ways to keep campers from succeeding. All spots have their weaknesses: in this case, it's probably just avoiding being targeted.
Barricadeing ones self in a place is a double edged sword. not only did you make it difficult for your oponents to enter, but if you or your teamates need to get through (say you or them die and respawn) you have to unclog the barricade you made too. so I dont see a problem :cheese:
If you can't beat a camper, it is your right to be pwned. :imu:
I laugh so hard when the car's stuck in a stairwell and an enemy below starts hammering on it with the grav-gun. I rush over and start hammering it back down and if he misses a shot he'll be crushed, otherwise the car just bounces around and looks hilarious =p
Not sure if this is that impressive, but i thought id post our "pileup" picture regardless - love hldm, so much fun lol.

Click Here
Smeg said:
Not sure if this is that impressive, but i thought id post our "pileup" picture regardless - love hldm, so much fun lol.

Click Here
Ha ha! I like how the guy says "lol, more stuff".
the fence section in lockdown is great to seal up a doorway
then build up a pile of rubbish behind it...good fun
nothing a few blasts of the gravgun wouldn't clear, but still fun