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  1. F


    The specific term is java virtual machine. It takes java byte code and translates it into machine code, then executes it. Personally I wish MS could still distribute their JVM, it was at least 10x if not 100x faster then Sun's sluggish POS JVM. Plus I find that a lot of stuff doesn't even run on...
  2. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    What can I say, I'm bored and an insomniac :p
  3. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    If it succeeds at being easy to use and competetive on all levels as a pure desktop OS, then it most likely will cease to be linux in that sense. I can only assume your lack of a proper response is based on not having any real way of responding to those points. Also, allow me to...
  4. F

    Open Source Compiler

    They made a DX9 devpack? That's interesting, I knew they had a DX8 one but then again my Dev-C++ strangely ceased working several months ago even after repeated reinstalls, I have to wonder if the reimp violates some licensing terms MS puts out though.
  5. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    It's all about perspective really, I'm talking from the perspective of a programmer/developer, not an end user. Cross-platform support's almost always good for the user (the bad cases come about when the developers cut corners and optimize only for one platform, Deus Ex 2 anyone?), but for the...
  6. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    The OpenGL 2 specifacation has been talked about for as long as I can remember hearing about Doom III and pixel/vertex shaders. They've been making beta drivers for testing purposes (pretty much only Carmack uses them, maybe a few others but not many). I don't know when they'll ever finish the...
  7. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    *nix was not designed with the prospective idea of playing games, it was based off of the idea of creating a free and open Unix, which was an operating system used primarily by engineers for servers and other mission critical computers. It has so few games because to properly piece a game...
  8. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    OpenGL isn't even free, it's every bit as propriatary as DirectX, the only difference is it's cross-platform. As for "open standard" it's more a term for "open to any coproration with enough money." Did you know Microsoft is on this OpenGL board too? Yes it's free to use it for any game, but so...
  9. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    Well, generally speaking whenever I look at the stats for any major website it's over 90% windows users, I hear the same stats many other places. I've never seen anyone give any "official" stats. Though I hear *nix has roughly 3% of the market apple has about 4% The dash was to indicate I am not...
  10. F

    Open Source Compiler

    well whenever I get the 2,500$ I'll probably buy it too, but by then Whidby (code name for the new .NET release) will be out, if not another release :p
  11. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    The OpenGL core itself hasn't been uptaded in eons, the arb and other such extensions are often vendor specific, meaning you have to program them again for different cards. This is grossly inefficient when you have a solution that can work the same for any hardware and supports all the new bells...
  12. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    Generally speaking if it says OpenGL it's probably just a UI error of some kind, everyone and their brother on Slashdot was ranting and raving about how there'd be no Mac or *nix client for the game, which was firstly and formostly because everything was made using DirectX and not OpenGL, so...
  13. F

    Your first program

    There are many varied coding styles. Something that you start developing from the onset of coding is your style, generally it's based off whatever material you first learn from, and sticks with you despite transitioning to other languages.
  14. F

    Your first program

    This is true, generally the hardest thing to get used to is type strictness. I moved to C++ from PHP, which lacked data types, as well as the problems with arrays and dynamic memory that C++ have. Overal the transition took a bit, but was worth it overall.
  15. F

    Navida Doom3 and Half-Life 2 power house?

    Point taken, LOL, I call it that since essentially as far as looks go there will be no more "BUSes" in the old terminology. Once PCI Express rolls out, given enough time, we'll see it and/or similar technologies replace the old ways. It's much easier to use the existing names though, makes it...
  16. F

    Open Source Compiler

    Just something to consider, first of all. Dev-C++ is a nice free compiler/IDE however there are a few things that you'll generally need to know. First off it's not good for developing windows applications. Secondly, it will not work with DirectX at all. Microsoft's .lib and the GCC's .a import...
  17. F

    Your first program

    C++ is actually relatively easy comared to some languages. If you want hard, try assembly ^_~
  18. F

    Navida Doom3 and Half-Life 2 power house?

    It's the GAMES that don't take advantage of the fast BUS, this is because most hardware vendors want to maximise audience by minimizing technical oomph. The source engine is one of the few really taxing engines because it can do both. Source might see some use since it does have almost every...
  19. F

    Navida Doom3 and Half-Life 2 power house?

    PCI Express is a new forum of Motherboard BUS technology. Allow me to explain. When you get a video, or sound card, you stick that in a BUS slot, that connects it to the CPU. These slots are a lot like highways for data. Currently there are two types of BUSes. The older PCI BUS is used for...
  20. F

    Navida Doom3 and Half-Life 2 power house?

    I'm betting ATI's card will easily trump Nvidia's newest offering. The only thing that would kill ATI is if they don't release a PCI express version of their R420 core based card. the NV40 is confirmed to have both AGP8X and PCI Express versions. So Hopefully ATI follows suit.