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  1. W

    Sorry NVIDIA owners

    Im just going to disregard these benchmarks. As well as any other benchmarks that show Nvidia is better or vice versa. I see all these benchmarks and some say Nvidia is better then I goto another place and it says ATi is better. In my eyes, I find both are extremely nice cards. I just favor...
  2. W

    %50 of the people will buy the wrong version..

    All i knw is, Im just going to buy whateveris the most expensive in the stores. That should be the right one :)
  3. W

    Collectors Edition...bah

    LMAO, you only get a Metal box and a DVD? Big whoopty doo! hell now will I be getting special edition or whatever. Its not that worth it. Besides, I think the regular box looks just as cool :)
  4. W

    What will you do on September 30th?

    For me school is a whole lot more important then anything else. If you think about it, if you get a good education you can get a good job when you get older and maybe rich. Which means you retire early and play more ;)
  5. W

    Collectors Edition...bah

    whats so good about the collectors edition of it anyways? If I didnt open the box and saved it over time and it actually grew in value then I would consider about it but it doesnt. So there isnt really a point in doing it. Unless I get some spiffy stuff in it, and it has to be REALLY cool...
  6. W

    What will you do on September 30th?

    I will be getting it after school Im quiet pissed for the fact that they are releasing it on Tuesday and not a Friday or a Saturday. I mean if they did, I would SERIOUSLY consider on camping out infront of Best Buy..