Collectors Edition...bah



So is anyone actually going to buy all the different boxes that HL2 is suppose to come in, because you know its just a marketing ploy...
This didn't really need a new topic.
could of just stuck this in some other thread
whats so good about the collectors edition of it anyways?

If I didnt open the box and saved it over time and it actually grew in value then I would consider about it but it doesnt. So there isnt really a point in doing it. Unless I get some spiffy stuff in it, and it has to be REALLY cool too....

So nope for me :)

I just want the game dammit...
Originally posted by VirdeuS
So is anyone actually going to buy all the different boxes that HL2 is suppose to come in, because you know its just a marketing ploy...

No... and, yes, I do know....
Nope, only getting the DVD metal box, IF it comes here. if not, I'll get it anyway I can so long as I get all the CDs, a manual, and a box.


I need to e-mail valve...

How much for JUST the CDs, forget the box?
LMAO, you only get a Metal box and a DVD? Big whoopty doo! hell now will I be getting special edition or whatever. Its not that worth it. Besides, I think the regular box looks just as cool :)
Originally posted by wako
LMAO, you only get a Metal box and a DVD? Big whoopty doo! hell now will I be getting special edition or whatever. Its not that worth it. Besides, I think the regular box looks just as cool :)

uhh 3 cds in regular box vs. dvd in metal box

Think of it this way:

The collector's edition is like a sexy woman. Sure, you could bang a pig, but who would argue the sexy woman isn't better? If it's all just vagina, then why do I get a boner when Tara Reid is on the screen and not Oprah?

Thank you.

-Mr. Bildo
Originally posted by Mr. Bildo
Think of it this way:

The collector's edition is like a sexy woman. Sure, you could bang a pig, but who would argue the sexy woman isn't better? If it's all just vagina, then why do I get a boner when Tara Reid is on the screen and not Oprah?

Thank you.

-Mr. Bildo

:| wow
Thank you Mr. Bildo for that sumptuous analogy...

Anywayz, I probably WON'T BUY EITHER!

You know why? Cause we all know they're gonna release Half-Life 2: Game of the Year Edition, complete with updates, patches, mods, more dev tools, an even cooler box, not to mention a healthy price drop.

The waiting's the hard part. I say the game industry do the awarding Oct. 1 and just get it over with. :cheese:
Originally posted by Javert
Thank you Mr. Bildo for that sumptuous analogy...

Anywayz, I probably WON'T BUY EITHER!

You know why? Cause we all know they're gonna release Half-Life 2: Game of the Year Edition, complete with updates, patches, mods, more dev tools, an even cooler box, not to mention a healthy price drop.

The waiting's the hard part. I say the game industry do the awarding Oct. 1 and just get it over with. :cheese:

If you'e not buying HL2 on the first day you're not welcome on this forum. Sorry.
after Bildos reply...I don't know if I want to be associated with wanting the colectors edition...

or the reguler edition...

umm....I'm leaving now....
lol... I wouldn't have put it that way myself, but the analogy does make sense :LOL:
Mr. Bildo made me laugh and give serious thought to the sexual organs of both animals and super-models.

I'd buy the collectors edition on condition that:

1. It is released at the same time as the standard edition.
2. It comes with something physically entertaining or useful, like a crowbar keychain or a metal tin to hold my paraphernalia :)

#1 is most important... there's NO WAY IN HELL I could wait any longer to play this game than necessary. Even if there was a special edition coming out a week later!
The major reason I'm interested in the SE is that the standard 'mugshot' boxes are so damn ugly.

As for the possible content, I don't give a damn about HL2 keychains or mousepads but "behind the scene" footage would be nice.
The thing is though, seeing that Valve are on a tight schedule as it is I don't think there is time to include it if they're shooting for a simultaneous 30/9 release of all versions and I'd choose an ugly box over a month without HL2 in a heartbeat.
Originally posted by X-Vector
As for the possible content, I don't give a damn about HL2 keychains or mousepads but "behind the scene" footage would be nice.

I totally agree with you on this one, who's actually going to walk around with a HL2 keychain or T-Shirt or whatever. I'd rather have a lengthy 'Making Of HL2' or something like that.

If they were to include a real, autographed crowbar, that would be pretty cool tho. :)