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  1. loque

    Consistent and frequent updated HL2 site

    how about some1 with power deletes this topic bans the ****ing idiot who startedthis post and gives a warning to all the nunks who ****ing replyd to it :flame: :devil: :flame: :devil:
  2. loque

    FiringSquad HL2 commentary

    canadians are french and french people suck !!!!!!!! <-- my G. Bush act :cheese: anyway dont be mean to each other or you are like george bush and we all know he is as smart as a housefly
  3. loque


    he has got a point..people liked hl but not so many people liked hl with cs and tfc being very good hl mods valve had the time and money to make hl2....all tho I didnt enjoy tfc and I dont like cs anymore im pretty sure a lot off people still do and always will do.
  4. loque


    about me saying that every1 can like what they want..I take it back /me smacks Laguna in the head with a crowbar SUM41 DO NO OWN!!!!! :flame: :devil:
  5. loque

    Secondary attack for the crowbar?

    star wars mod but instead of lightsabers use crowbars :cheese:
  6. loque

    Half life 2 figurines

    I swear to god some wierd f4cking idiot will actually buy it and clame to be real
  7. loque

    shadows in screenshots

    doom3 imo jsut shows what can be done with enough power and resources to sort out light effects...did it improve the game in a way that will make 2 milj. people buy the game ? no dont think so...will hl2 be bought buy 2 milj people ? HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!! :ahum:
  8. loque

    Hi, I'm new

  9. loque

    Tidbits from Sierra

    they work for g-man ?(me wonders what this comment gonna turn into:cheese:)
  10. loque

    CS mod!

    aint CZ gonna be still based on hl1 engine ? if so its gonna suck and die really fast...causs some1 will make a cs like mod for hl2 in no time
  11. loque

    Official song

    where did I put my crowbar ? :cool:
  12. loque

    Co-op mod?

    Pirates Vikings and Knights IS THE WIN :bounce: :cheese: :afro: :cheers: :cheese:
  13. loque

    TF2 not free...????????

    I dont think valve is stupid as to release singleplayer only...
  14. loque

    Playing HL1 again.

    the only thing yer missing is cd music..I think
  15. loque

    wow, nvidia is a bunch of liars

    they are all heavily overpriced...and why ? causs they need to get a even "better" card on the market to beat the next nvidia card (same goes for nvidia)...if they would spend more time on creating a gfx card that is actually REALLY FASTER instead of tweaking a old card and changing some numbers...
  16. loque

    Single Player BREED demo out!

    I played planetside beta and I thought well ok this is w8 for breed to r0x0r the world and stuff like that...but its crap :/ had a good look at it again it is just not good...they need to put in a lot of work to sort out the gameplay
  17. loque

    Did anyone else find that chick annoying?

    is it me or are you people missing the point THAT SHE ISNT REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
  18. loque

    Half-Life is still scary!

    lol thats jsut funny...hehehe :cheese: thing that scared me most is prolly the headcrab in the broken glass containter....I didnt knew what it whas and it jumped me scared me shitless :eek:
  19. loque

    Map construction

    get back on topic people...
  20. loque

    Whats you pc's specs

    got a new maxtor 120 gig liquid drive and prolly gonna buy a new gfx card whe nhl2 is released just to be 100% it will run on max fps 9or close to) :cheers: :cheese: