Secondary attack for the crowbar?


May 19, 2003
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I think they should implement a secondary attack for the crowbar, If they havn't already done that.

Something like throwing it. That would be fun.

Or maybe... We all know that Gordon is a strong man (after all he weaves that thing around like a tooth pick) so how about taking the pointy end of the crowbar and raming it into the chest of the badguy :cheese:

nasty :devil:
head lock maby? grabbing a combine soldiers head and choing it with the crowbar :)

throwing would be nice to..
That would be cool if you could throw it... But then again you might lose it.;(

Oh but wait, then Valve could just put crowbars scattered around the areas like the way guns are in HL1 and probably HL2.

OMG! then you could have duel crowbars, one in each hand. Now that would be fun. *Die zombie (SMACK!, SMACK!, SMACK!)*:cheese:
The crowbar is fine as it is.. but if you want, go ahead and mod it. A crowbar fight mod wouldn't be too bad. A small mod for HL2DM (if that is going to exist ;)) which limits weapons to crowbar.. or only grav gun :) that would be cool.
Nice ideas U have folks... Raming the crowbar would be soooooo cool !!!!
Or maybe... We all know that Gordon is a strong man (after all he weaves that thing around like a tooth pick) so how about taking the pointy end of the crowbar and raming it into the chest of the badguy

Gruesome :eek:
So cool

Ive always wanted to ram corwbars through people. Id like to do it in games as well.
You could have the secondary fire to spin the crowbar in your hand... (impress your enemies with your crowbar spinning).

Originally posted by EVIL
head lock maby? grabbing a combine soldiers head and choing it with the crowbar :)

I like that but i was thinking more of placing the crowbar behind a soldiers head and repeatedly pulling it towards you whilst your left hand punches the soldier in the face!!! :cheese:
Anything Dual is cool...

Dual Gravgun :p
Dual Uzi
Dual MG
Dual Pistol
Dual Crowbar
Dual shotguns

etc :o
Originally posted by |MaTT|
I like that but i was thinking more of placing the crowbar behind a soldiers head and repeatedly pulling it towards you whilst your left hand punches the soldier in the face!!! :cheese:

Haha, That would be Unique \o/
Originally posted by figge
Anything Dual is cool...

Dual Gravgun :p
Dual Uzi
Dual MG
Dual Pistol
Dual Crowbar
Dual shotguns

etc :o

Dual Shotguns would own!

Like in Terminator, where he blasts two times then reloads the shell by "pushing" the shotguns forwards and back quickly. Awesome!
I wish the crowbar got stuck in monsters and go through them and maybe secondary kicks em off or maybe you have to attack so they fall off :cheese:
NOW THATS JUST DISGUSTING! getting the crowbar stuck in someone then pulling it out with all the blood dripping of... Wait a minute, I LOVE IT. THAT WOULD BE SO COOL.
What about having the secondary as a disarm move?

instead of going up to someone and bludgening them to death you can take away their gun first, then beat them into a bloody pulp.

and a mod where you fought only w/ grav guns by only having to pick up stuff and shoot it at the other people would kick @$$!
That would be focking sweet.. Ramming your crowbar under a combine soldier's jaw and seeing the soldier slowly walking backwards spitting blood while he tries to pull out the crow bar from his jaw .. :) I would pay for thing like that..
Oh Man. Just imagine a DeathMatch with like 30 people taking place in some part of City 17 with just the Grav-Guns and all the Debris, objects, and supports for some structures are Free Game for the Grav-Guns. It would just be this massive battle of crap of all shapes and sizes flying through the air.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Oh Man. Just imagine a DeathMatch with like 30 people taking place in some part of City 17 with just the Grav-Guns and all the Debris, objects, and supports for some structures are Free Game for the Grav-Guns. It would just be this massive battle of crap of all shapes and sizes flying through the air.

:D, from dildo's to Piano's mailboxes and bricks maby even an enemy player from time to time. Multiplayer will never be the same again :D
multiple grav guns in multiplayer.. combined with the detailed physics engine could start to cause major lag... imagine the server having to transmit the data of each piece of each cabinet exploding and have it accurately being transmitted to all the clients on the server.. it might not be as easy as your imagination wants it to be.
or alternatively throw the crowbar at someone, then use the grav gun to either bring it back to u or to beat people up at a distance, or do the boomerang effect, "u missed me" *crowbar archs round and comes back* "what u mean did i? ARGGHHHH!!!"
If you consider how much work valve has put into the eyes of the characters in hl2 there just have to be possible to poke them out right? :cheese:

and with double crowbars you can poke out both at the same time. sweet!

hmmm if I hit someone in the crouch... will he drop to the ground then? that would be realistic. I hope valve makes that happen.
star wars mod but instead of lightsabers use crowbars :cheese:
Originally posted by EVIL
head lock maby? grabbing a combine soldiers head and choing it with the crowbar :)

throwing would be nice to..

Yeah like grab someone, or someTHING around the neck with the curvey end. Like in those shitty talent shows. When the talent on stage is wak, this longass black cane slowly comes out from the side behind the curtains and grabs the foo by neck and tags his ass off stage. That would be utter savagery.
Secondary attack for the crowbar would probably a powerful hit/swing. You would have to hold down the secondary fire key to "charge" the swing/hit and the damage would be 2-3 times as powerful than the primary.
That would suck.

Maybe you could use the crowbar to climb :cheese:

Or open locked crates.. and.. stuff.
Originally posted by :>~
That would suck.

Maybe you could use the crowbar to climb :cheese:

Or open locked crates.. and.. stuff.


opening locked crates would be pretty cool, alternatively you could just break them open.
I am a Crowbar and there is NOTHING you can do about it...MuAHAHRHARRRWARGAWARRHAGAWAARRRR :sniper: :angry: :flame: :devil: :x
Originally posted by Nostradamus
I am a Crowbar and there is NOTHING you can do about it...MuAHAHRHARRRWARGAWARRHAGAWAARRRR :sniper: :angry: :flame: :devil: :x

Freak. :devil:
Originally posted by :>~

Or open locked crates.. and.. stuff.

That's what crow bars are made for...
Where is the fun in that? :|

how about tying a head crab to the crowbar and then slap combine soldier silly with it? :cheese: