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  1. D


    Ja mor :(
  2. D

    Français, Belges, Canadiens et autres francophones :)

    wtf, le frog ??? ermmm le .... horse !!! au pair !!!
  3. D


    /me undskylder :)
  4. D


    /me beder majestic om at lade være med at drømme og få fingrende væk fra sin mor !
  5. D

    Gaming Language

    HËHË î |îkË tHî§ mö®Ë tHåñ |ËËt, åñÐ §ömËtîm˧ ît Çåñ ßË ®Ëå||¥ Hå®Ð tö ÐËÇöÐË ! ît ®ö× ! HåHåHå !
  6. D


    /me kaster en sten i hovedt på majestic !
  7. D

    A question for Farrowlesparrow

    Ever heard of go screw yourself ?
  8. D

    DVD movie questiong thing :S

    I used a program to extract som DVD files so i can make a backup, i also made it smaller and stuff like that but heres the question, theres alot of dictories named EXT, and MPEGAV and dics like that but how do i actully play the file withOUT to burn it again ? :cheers:
  9. D


    Det ændre da en masse :bounce: SÅ kan vi da snakke med nogle normale mennesker !!! :D ikke alle de spammere .... :flame: SeS :cheers:
  10. D

    New info about the HL2 videos

    Afternoon for him is like hours away, relax guys
  11. D


    Jeg er også dansk :P SÅ du er ikke den eneste :D :afro:
  12. D

    /whois Combine soldiers

    Valved ray stfu !
  13. D

    If not, then what?

    RaY stfu just becouse some of your nick is mentioned,
  14. D


    Well i will download hl2 ( 2mbit connection :) ) so i can play it a week before, THEN ill buy it
  15. D

    Im sorry but this is just a test.

    This is worse than the 'On topic of discussed a milion times'#2 thread thanks ;)
  16. D

    More News!!

    omfg ya this is the most low updated site man ! it really blows !
  17. D

    On topic of discussed a million times.

    I only reposted to be annoying, scroll down to jager and mullinator ... :)
  18. D

    On topic of discussed a million times.

    Dont see why people are saying, wow thats old realy old, or thats been discussed a million times, as i see it this board hasnt even been up for more then 2 months. I mean some people come here only once a week, or even a month, and there all like. "Damn man, thats so last week." I say...
  19. D

    Check here if your downloading the IRC leak

    That your posting in a old threat that should be deleted
  20. D

    nVidia GF FX 5900 Ultra

    ATI has also cheated in benchmark test you know `?