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May 24, 2003
Reaction score
I was reading some warez forums (don’t even ask), and like always there is topic about Doom III vs. HL2. One thing struck me the most, so many people there already pre-ordered HL2, but most of them will download Doom III before even thinking about getting it from a store. Never seen L33t hax0rz and warz0rz be so happy about a game, that they even pre-ordered it.

How much HL2 gonna sell, I can only wonder.
but still a good point, if almost everyone who warezs most of thier games, buys Half-Life 2 it shows that A. Half-Life has an extreamly loyal fanbase B. More money to make Half-Life 3 that much better and Valve is gonna be very happy. Hell it might even beat Grand Theft Auto : Vice City for the most pre-orders
Multi player games i buy, definitaly, (like Half life and Mods), single player games that dont have any online mods or anything i download. I will definately buy HL2, like i did CS and HL
is warex a free ripping program to download games and movie?
I'm buying HL2 for singleplayer and SP mods... my dial-up wont survive it ^_^

They'll definitely have it on all the comps here, at my regular icaf, so I'll make use of the MP over here (even tho the computers suck.... need an ungrade bad).
Originally posted by MIWojo11
is warex a free ripping program to download games and movie?

No no it's spelled K A Z A A :)
or you could also spell it M I R C...sucker!
lol, funny thread, yup this will be the FIRST game I have acctually brought due to downloadin them and gettin um off friends, dosent that make HL2 feel special ?
One of the biggest 'draws' of HL2 is probably going to be the online Mod community. The WON#/CD-key issues within HL1 prevent most warez problems, IIRC. You need to use a legit copy, in order to play online. HL2 will likely be the same, in this respect.

Doom III on the other hand, is being touted foremost as a single-player game. It will likely therefore be a much simpler game to pirate. Personally, I will be buying them both on their day of release, so this issue doesn't affect me too much. It is sad for id though. I hope they can find a solution.
warez = short for softwarez

dont have to be illegal..
i ain't bought a game in years
casue i warez most
but half-life is a buy for me i buy all valve games
casue they pwon
Or you could spell it K A Z A A A N D M I R C I S F O R L O S E R S W H O D O N T K N O W H O W T O G E T S H I T !
The thing is people will pay for a great game that will last, i mean Doom 3 will look good an probably be good but once its finished most people will just forget it and go back to half life 2, once you finish HL2 you mod it, play it online, play online mods, play single player mods!!! you pay for one game and get so many more!!!

I always pay for great games. If game is good, why not thank devs? You see, I work and I can afford game, but I always read reviews before getting something. I don't know why people warez so much, but good games, like Thief, Morrowind (all single player) are worth my $50.

Cleric, bad logic, I still play Thief, it came out in 1998? (no multiplayer). Game still has small community, where you can download new maps, etc. I guess there is difference between people.

Also point of this topic was not for everyone to say OMFG ME LETT HAX0R, but just to show, that HL2 will sell a lot.
I only pay for games i have to pay for. Like HL1 and HL2 for the CD-KEY. Havent bought one game or gone to a movie or bought a DVD movie since i got my broadband.

its all out there..DVD-R, Games, appz...why pay? Well to be honest i dont like warez it will ruin the inustry one day. The game developers should cut down the prices to like $20 for a new game. Then i think they would sell more. I just cant belive how this buisness are getting around..

Valve survives cuz of the CD-KEY u need to play online. HL dont sell for the singleplayer part its for the multi-player.
It sells for singleplayer for me.
But you guys doing damage to yourself, in the long run. If warez will continue and grow, most of good devs will switch to consoles, and all your 10.0 GHZ Radeon 10000+ will just stand there, collecting dust. You can see it now even, Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3 both coming out on PC and X-box. Why? Because devs know that X-box version will sell much better, and if PC version will sell very bad, then.. well, next their games will be for consoles. So before you download a good game, think about it twice.

It is like with Earth, we will **** this planet over, we did so much damage alone in 20th century already, but right now nobody gives a **** about it, until half of the world will sink in ocean.
Some of us might remember the days of the Amiga. A major factor, which caused this platform to die, was the fact that it became no longer lucrative for developers to create games for it. The warez scene destroyed the market. This is so sad, the Amiga was a wonderful platform to work and play on.

Update: I included a picture of an infamous screenshot of an Amiga game, which says a lot about the state of its market at that time.


You know how the users decided, the rest is history...
Originally posted by ub3rbr0k3
YOu bought HL _AND_ CS retail??

if u buy HL generation pack in europe u get HL, OP4, and CS retail
Originally posted by h00dlum
if u buy HL generation pack in europe u get HL, OP4, and CS retail

newest generations pack also includes blue shift....
you know, downlaoding copyrighted software IS illegal.... you can get fined for it....
Well i will download hl2 ( 2mbit connection :) ) so i can play it a week before, THEN ill buy it
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
you know, downlaoding copyrighted software IS illegal.... you can get fined for it....

Really? (sarcastic) I have already preordered my HL2. But i am so mad cause now i have wait for them to announce the limited edition so i can change my preorder to that. damnit! I dont care what is in the LE i still am going to get it.
Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
Really? (sarcastic) I have already preordered my HL2. But i am so mad cause now i have wait for them to announce the limited edition so i can change my preorder to that. damnit! I dont care what is in the LE i still am going to get it.
G A Y??
Its interesting how the Doom III movie, polished and proffesional as it is, loses *totally and uterly* hands down to the halflife 2 one, which is some guy mubling over a second hand filming. For those who havn't seen it, I direct your attention to this picture:


  • 05-27-2003.gif
    34 KB · Views: 384
Don't you people realise that downloading these games destroys the market? This has been mention but i doubt it sunk in. Downloading games is not only against the law but it also takes money away from the developers. Imagine if more people had downloaded HL what would have happened with HL2? would it have gone into development? Maybe it would but its likely it would have come out a few years early and would have been crappy because it would have been a copy of the original. Its like the old saying 'Biting the hand that feeds you'. You are stealing from the very people that make your life enjoyable, yet you don't care because you get a free game. It makes me sick to think that this happens.

I know for one thing that you are gonna be able to buy HL2 for just £25 in the UK. That is so cheap its unbelievable. Most games are twice that when released, and yet people are still gonna rip off VALVe.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
You are stealing from hte very people that make your life enjoyable,yet you dont care because you get a free game. It makes me sick to think that this happens.
you have some bad problems
Now I dont want to defend those people that download everything, but even you download things like music off of KaZaa, how is downloading a game any different? Big business sees downloading as losing money, but they’re looking at every download as lost profits. What they fail to consider is, if that product wasn’t available for free, would that person have gone out and paid money for it? Probably not. Does that make downloading alright? No. But seriously get off your high and mighty ****ing cloud and realize 2 things, games and movies and music are not going away any time soon because of pirating, and also that almost everybody does the same thing with music, so just becuase it is music and not games makes it widely excepted?
well we have found out that ray has an IQ of -146, or he has the stupidest sense of humour ever... or both.
Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
well we have found out that ray has an IQ of -146, or he has the stupidest sense of humour ever... or both.
I.Q. doesn't go into negative numbers and stupidest is not a word.
before you try to make somebody look bad on a public forum, specially about them being "the stupidest" you should read your post for any silly things that people might pick up and use agaisnt you.

p.s. you're gay.
it doesnt go into negative numbers? Really? Oh shit say it aint so! I had no idea! And seriously i love how you can go over peoples posts looking for a grammatical error (which isnt by the way, use a ****ing dictionary before you correct people) it shows me your IQ is actually -50.
It is good to know that there are a few people like Farrowlesparrow who reflect about their actions in a mature way. What the majority of people doesn't seem to realize is that they're not hurting the big publishers. They are hurting the developers and consequently themselves. Is it too much to ask you to invest a few bucks and support the developer of your favourite game, when you can obviously afford to buy the latest hardware? It is your actions that will shape the market. You decide...
really, the fate of the entire video game industry will decided by my choice to buy half life 2 or download it?!!!
wow i feel pretty responsible now.. :(
Again assuming that you coudlnt download games for free, those people that download games, would they really go out and buy the game? You have no idea. If they were lazy enough to download it then my guess is that they are not going to buy the game. So they didnt make or loose any profit from the guy not buying the game, they didnt make or loose any profit from him downloading it. Now if everyone started downloading games then yes it is a problem. Can it ever be stoped? No. It is illegal but stop making it sound like oh if you download games, then next year there wont be any games again! The majority of people are too stupid to even no how to download a game. And it isnt like developers are getting paid directly from you. Publishers and the like also pay them, obviously for publishing right in the first place. And yes i still buy games, all the time actually, and like i said earlier i already have HL2 preorderd. Can somebody change the name of this thread? I like this disccusion.
Nobody actually has to go the length and try to make somebody look bad on a public forum. You do it yourself. Your posts speak volumes. Just push the "Search" button under your posts and see for yourself.
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