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  1. Dodo


    Hi guys, been a while, good to see your all still here :p
  2. Dodo

    Help me, all over itching no rash or anything

    Smoke more crack.
  3. Dodo

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    LOL ah man, i can totally picture it! :D
  4. Dodo

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    I'm like an icebreaker boat (like the picture below) (picture of icebreaker boat) It doesnt really matter what you break the ice with though... I had the most akward pickup line ever and tried it on a few girls, its ****ing gold. Starts of with sketching this vivid scenario of them going...
  5. Dodo

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    As the alpha of a group you get to pick, beta males still had to beg for pu-tang.
  6. Dodo

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    ...Just put on your robe and wizard hat. edit: soo goood...
  7. Dodo

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    HAHA yes, so true... Women "logic" is as logical as Greenland is green.
  8. Dodo

    the puppy dog thread

    /inb4 Krynn jokes lololol : >
  9. Dodo

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    Cold-Openings are something that needs practise... It takes a few crash & burns before you realize that it doesnt matter if you dont succeed. We (dudes) all have this old fashion (250,000 years old atleast) concept pre-programmed into our brains... Back in the day when we used to live next to...
  10. Dodo

    The Most WTF things you've Ever Seen

    ?_? indeed. edit1: NO MY EYES HOW DO I FIX MY EYES I WANT THE FROWNING ONES D : edit2: Dalamari, the one's from your signature for F's sake... alt-what?
  11. Dodo

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    Read the rules damnit, online doesnt count! :p
  12. Dodo

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    ...chicks. (Or dudes, whatever) Opening - "Breaking the Ice" Starting to talk to a girl, or group of girls, to get the chit-chat bla-bla-bla flowing. getting the dialogue going, intended to lead to a... Conversation - "Showing/Proving interest" Keeping the conversation interesting. This is...
  13. Dodo

    What do the dotnetters drink?

    Jager is the devil.... gets/guts me everytime.
  14. Dodo

    What do the dotnetters drink?

    Water, coke, beer, vodka (mixed with anything) Hmmmmmm liquid.
  15. Dodo

    Some of my latest work

    Haha :D She's got 4 arms (i dont know why) and its done, cant look at it for another second.
  16. Dodo

    Some of my latest work

    Ok fine, fine! Ill post my latest one slightly bigger :p