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  1. NeptuneUK

    Warhammer online. Another example of a good game being tainted by corporate pig-dogs

    It was only released late 08. But a good point. This game just missed all the headlines, with no good reason.
  2. NeptuneUK

    Warhammer online. Another example of a good game being tainted by corporate pig-dogs

    I played this back when it was new. The game was a quite buggy at the time and suffered from a few server and account issues, but the features were great and I found it more sociable and fun than WoW. I recently resubscribed and I am impressed with how it's been updated. I created a new...
  3. NeptuneUK

    Dexter Season 6

    Actually yeah you're right. Now I'm confused.
  4. NeptuneUK

    Dexter Season 6

    Real name.
  5. NeptuneUK

    Which Video Card

    With those prices why not save and just get a 570? In response though TOTALLY go for the 1gb version as it is clocked higher than the 2gb one, and the extra RAM will really not make any performance difference. Like. At. All. I seriously reccommend getting a low end 570 however. It may have a...
  6. NeptuneUK

    What do your dads look like?

    Next week on HL2net : Post pictures of your mothers!
  7. NeptuneUK

    Double Fine is pretty awesome

    I for one, enjoyed the link.
  8. NeptuneUK

    Police turn violent in wall street protests

    I like this guy. He has balls. I like balls.
  9. NeptuneUK

    Iran's Navy parks itself next to US in show of defiance

  10. NeptuneUK

    Iran's Navy parks itself next to US in show of defiance

    Double post fail! I guess I could reel off some more RA2 navy unit quotes...
  11. NeptuneUK

    Facebook tracks you even after logging out

    Am I the only one who doesn't care? Is that bad a thing?
  12. NeptuneUK

    PC gaming

    Don't nostalgia me, bro.
  13. NeptuneUK

    PC gaming

    Good to see repiv is still as happy as ever. I agree with OP, but I think the PC games industry will never die. It's too damn flexible (and resistant to a variety of antibiotics)
  14. NeptuneUK

    Post your latest music tracks/WIP's and comment!

    When I was drinking beer (now) I listened to (and liked) Stiggies tracks. I will also listen to everyone elses. OH GOD IM SO ALONE. PLEASE LIKE ME. Edit: FFS Veggie use a soundcloud link, asshole. (I already know you like me) Edit2: Why did Moe attach himself to my post??? What the...
  15. NeptuneUK

    Post your latest music tracks/WIP's and comment!

    Tweaked up and remixed a track I made back in 'nam. I mean '07 I cleaned up the reverberated drum tracks and synths, but left the distorted, lo-fi stuff just as gritty. Y'know, for atmospheric effect/the lulz.
  16. NeptuneUK

    Remember me?

    (in reply to thread title) Yes. That is all. LOL! I have dated more women than I have spoken to online. Take from that what you will.
  17. NeptuneUK

    Posting from Windows 8 dev preview

    In my opinion. Windows goes from 'great' -> 'awful' -> 'great' in every succession. Going by previous experience I would pre-emptively judge windows 8 as crappy (with no proper evidence to base this on)
  18. NeptuneUK

    Posting from Windows 8 dev preview

    I for one, am intrigued over the use of our future OS overlords.
  19. NeptuneUK

    Unusual Hard Drive problem after upgrade.

    It came with **** all instruction. Samsung was like "here is your update exe, have fun!" I finally managed to do it by producing a makeshift PC on my table with old parts because the HDD just wouldn't detect on the BIOS and updating via bootable dvd with appropriate exe file and corresponding...
  20. NeptuneUK

    Unusual Hard Drive problem after upgrade.

    My new motherboard keeps having issues detecting my main SATA hard drive. Plugging both my main 1TB and extra 500GB SATA drives in at the same time makes the problem worse. Every day since the upgrade I have to restart the PC several times before the hard drive is detected by the BIOS. Today I...