Posting from Windows 8 dev preview


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score

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First thoughts:
Metro UI: Sweet
Desktop UI: Sweet
The way they interact: Crappy.

I really don't know where Microsoft is going with this one. The two interfaces don't mesh, at all, and you're constantly being forced to jump back and forth between them. I hate it. It would be better if there was some clear division between them but there's not.

IE10 is snappy and an improvement over IE9. So far so good on that front. But I just don't know what they're going for.

I have discovered, while writing this post, that IE10 has autocorrect. Seems to work pretty well too.
I think Metro will be restricted to tablets. They probably want to reuse their existing software asset instead of rewriting a tablet OS from scratch, avoiding all the trouble that Android Honeycomb had to go through. My evidence for this is that they said existing Windows apps won't be ported to the ARM architecture, thus forcing W8 to start afresh, at least on the mobile front which is dominated by ARM. It's a pretty smart idea, and as a WP7 user I for one love the Metro UI.
I think their attempt to get it running on both tablets/desktops and x86/arm processors is going to give them lots of problems since everything will have to be made for both. But Windows 7 with some tweaks is already perfect anyway, don't mind to keep using it for a few more years.

Sent from my Windows computer.
I for one, am intrigued over the use of our future OS overlords.
I think their attempt to get it running on both tablets/desktops and x86/arm processors is going to give them lots of problems since everything will have to be made for both. But Windows 7 with some tweaks is already perfect anyway, don't mind to keep using it for a few more years.

Sent from my Windows computer.
True this. Windows 7 is still in its prime if you ask me. It hasn't even had its second service pack. I have no desire to 'upgrade' right now.
True this. Windows 7 is still in its prime if you ask me. It hasn't even had its second service pack. I have no desire to 'upgrade' right now.

Seconded, Windows 7 is great. However I wouldn't mind that IE10. Is it available to download? I'll have to check.
In my opinion. Windows goes from 'great' -> 'awful' -> 'great' in every succession.
Going by previous experience I would pre-emptively judge windows 8 as crappy (with no proper evidence to base this on)
Well I truly hope that Windows 8 is very successful and even better than W7. I am in love with Windows 7 and as of yet I see no need to upgrade when W8 comes out but I'm looking forward to what it's going to mean for tablets.
I am somewhat afraid at the mention in this thread that people actually want IE10.
Metrosexual UI? what?

I'm not in any way shape or form desirous of giving up Windows 7.

This is the best operating system that happened to me. Shit is golden compared to everything before it and I have experienced pretty much no downsides.

Not ready to go into the unknown especially when everything still is amazing and new.

Also... the money we spent on the new operating system... **** upgrading.

Don't turn into Apple, Microsoft. We don't want a new product every ****ing year.