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  1. NeptuneUK

    Going mad, attempting to fix

    You are me last year! Except I ended up going batshit. So I took 6 months off. My brain works again now, but I don't think I'll remember enough shit to pick up where I left off. GODAMMIT
  2. NeptuneUK

    Hooray! Blackberry 8520! Oh wait... It's shit.

    I ended up with a Samsung Galaxy, very pleased. So far I prefer it over the iphone, which is something.
  3. NeptuneUK

    Hooray! Blackberry 8520! Oh wait... It's shit.

    This low end BB is acceptable, it doesn't have some features I want like a decent mobile internet (3G) Getting a higher end BB is also an option but I've heard nothing but praise about android.
  4. NeptuneUK

    Hooray! Blackberry 8520! Oh wait... It's shit.

    Got it second hand free from family. So I'm still on a PAYG sim. On an unrelated note, what's a good entry android phone with a touchscreen I can sign my soul over to?
  5. NeptuneUK

    Man crushes

  6. NeptuneUK

    Hooray! Blackberry 8520! Oh wait... It's shit.

    I thought my bad luck with phones was over when getting my hands on a blackberry, but how wrong I was! I've heard many good things about the blackberry range of 'smart' phones, and see a great deal of people use them. However, I have never used one myself until today, and so my world has become...
  7. NeptuneUK

    The Primacy Of Consciousness

    This is amazing. Proposes a lot of great questions, such as where does 'conciousness' end. Scaling from human -> dog -> fish -> jellyfish is a great thought game. When you switch off your computer are you ending a primitive concsiousness? If elementary particles show a basic proto-consciousness...
  8. NeptuneUK

    Feverish Dreams

    At least I know my immune system works! wewt!
  9. NeptuneUK

    Feverish Dreams

    ^ Raz - I think I sort of understand, I sometimes wake in a half asleep state and feel like I'm in a sort of delerium. I can't describe it so well....
  10. NeptuneUK

    Looking for a healthy diet

    You don't need to be too strict, just avoid lots of awful sugary fatty shit. My effective yet lax routine: Breakfast - Multivits + codliver oil after Porridge + yoghurt + cup of tea (after morning exercise then shower) Lunch - relatively healthy sandwich Dinner - anything I want Any...
  11. NeptuneUK

    Feverish Dreams

    Holy shit I had one last night (only have a cold - I think at least) Just a sore throat and headache but I woke up around 5am sweating with a fever. Been feeling ill all day since... Was emotionally intense yet bizzare. I was forced to fill in a performance role for some stage show or something...
  12. NeptuneUK Skin Texture

    I didn't like the textures so I UPGRADED MY GRAPHICS CARD.
  13. NeptuneUK


    I wish you luck in your future endeavours! (: But yeah bro nothing to stop you popping back here once in a while, ya know, to check up on us.
  14. NeptuneUK


    It takes more than that to bruise Virus' ego.
  15. NeptuneUK

    I have pictures on my Sony Ericsson cybershot C905....

    I don't think the phone is even reading the memory stick. It first ****ed up when my old laptop automatically used it as a memboost.... Can't even reformat. FML
  16. NeptuneUK

    I have pictures on my Sony Ericsson cybershot C905....

    And a 2gb mem card. And a USB stick for the memory card. However I am getting a new phone and the photos I have are saved on the PHONE MEMORY not the memory card. My question is, does anyone have the faintest ****ing clue as to how I can move the photos from the phone memory to the memory...
  17. NeptuneUK

    Oh, hi That is all.
  18. NeptuneUK


    I'm working on it. (The physics degree, not a comeback)
  19. NeptuneUK

    2,564 frames per second

    With 2546 fps, you can make anything look cool.