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  1. C

    Is Gamespot right about the AI?

    Err, are we playing the same game? The Combine never do anything but stand there like sitting ducks waiting for you to shoot them. On occasion they will strafe like about one or two steps but thats it. They rarely, if ever try to take cover, they don't flank, they don't do sh*t. The...
  2. C

    hl2 will be a disappointment...

    Reviews don't mean much. Most of them are not very credible anyway What was the average score of reviews for Doom 3 when it was released? Something like 90-95%? Yeah, and it turned out that the game sucked balls. I think HL2 will be a major improvement over Doom 3, but not nearly as good...
  3. C

    Valve confusing us

    Gabe Newell is the lamest, most dishonest game developer to ever walk the earth. I hope he gets run over by an 18-wheeler trying to get his slow chunky ass across the street. :flame:
  4. C

    Is Valve Culpable?

    Remember all the promises Valve made about Team Fortress 2 and how great it was going to be? TF2 turned out to be vaporware. The same thing could happen with Half-Life 2. Valve can't even get their act together to release Condition Zero, a relatively simple game using the old the...
  5. C

    is valve going to charge for every little bit of content??

    Subscription service is a bad idea. Knowing that Valve constantly lies about release dates and just about everything else, I wouldn't trust them to provide a good steady flow of content every month worth paying the subscription fee.
  6. C

    Iraq, the US & other stuff too

    Like I said, US companies are profitting enormously from sales of Iraqi oil, indicated by a report that was widely published 3 weeks ago. To the tune of $4 billion so far. No conspiracy theory. The huge revenues these US companies are raking in from the Iraq war are publicly available. (ie...
  7. C

    Iraq, the US & other stuff too

    The rest of the world is well aware of what the US is up to. The UN has already come down on the US for invading Iraq in the first place. The rest of the world has strongly condemned the invasion. But nothing they can do about it except complain loudly, since the US is the biggest bully on the...
  8. C

    Iraq, the US & other stuff too

    Oil supply got nothing to do with it. Iraq was willing to sell us all the oil we wanted to buy from it before we invaded. In fact, we were buying millions of barrels from Iraq just before the invasion. The real purpose of the invasion is to line the pockets of people like Cheney and his...
  9. C

    Iraq, the US & other stuff too

    That $80 billion is going straight into the pockets of people like Dick Cheney who works for Halliburton Oil and other corrupt American companies doing business in 'Iraq.' I don't think its a coincidence that the biggest US contributors to the Republican Party were the same ones who were awarded...
  10. C

    Hot Chick Who Like Half-Life Inside Part 2!

    She has some big jugs. They look like double D's, not sure though. Have you seen them nickster?
  11. C

    Hot Chick Who Like Half-Life Inside Part 2!

    Not bad, even if she blends into the wall a little too well.
  12. C

    PCGamer. Source = Sweet!

    There's some streaming trailers on Look under 'V.'
  13. C

    New video ??

    If they can't even release some videos when they say they will (a day or so apart in their own words but its been several days since the last one) I doubt they will release the full game on schedule. Hope I'm wrong.
  14. C

    To lean or not to lean

    I wouldn't miss it if they left it out because I'd be too awed by all the other stuff to worry about it, but if I had a choice I would want to have a leaning feature included. Leaning might not be very important in single-player, but it could be very useful in multi-player. Leaning would...
  15. C

    Why no waves?

    It would be totally cool if HL2 had driveable water craft. (speed boats, jet skis, etc.)
  16. C

    Why no waves?

    Speaking of boats, it would totally rock if HL2 has driveable speed boats, or maybe jet skis!
  17. C

    Why no waves?

    I think the game I'm referring to is VR Power Boat Racing. It looked cool when I first played but now probably looks dated. The water effects looked good but were low-res and not very detailed. Probably used a lot of good animations for the wave effects but I can't say for sure. Would have...
  18. C

    Why no waves?

    There's this jet-ski and boat racing game for PS2 I forget what its called. I rented and played it about a year ago. I remember that it had some very nice real-time wave effects. The water effects were amazing. They looked realistic to me. Your jet-ski makes big realistic splashes as you...
  19. C

    Bink vs. Quicktime for trailers

    The controls are one of the things that causes Quicktime to crash. Everytime I try to adjust the volume control in QT it locks up my computer.
  20. C

    Bink vs. Quicktime for trailers

    Bink trailers gives you large hi-res display and is very stable. Quicktime trailers tend to have a tiny picture and are very crash-prone. QT often freezes up my whole computer and I have to reboot. But then I have yet to see a product made by Apple that isn't crap. It's ridiculous how...