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  1. Lordblackadder

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    Actually in the old England (pre '90's) the "Bobbies" carried only clubs, while citizens could carry a gun with proper permit. Crime back then was waaaay lower than now. Oh, Patriot Act = Slippery Slope = Always starts innocently = eventual Tyranny. Sorry I don't make the rules, that's just...
  2. Lordblackadder

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    Baby Boomers Squandered their parent's wealth, failed to produce their own and now are Mortgaging their Children's Future! Souylent Green with them I say. By the way the thinking goes that "crew served" weapons like subs and nukes are not covered by Amndment II. Only individual weapons...
  3. Lordblackadder

    Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

    Yes American. I'm an entertainment snob so I seek out stuff that most people haven't heard of (HL is only exception). Besides English humor is huge among American College crowd. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is seen by evey college kid coast to coast. Why is US more violent? It isn't...
  4. Lordblackadder

    Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

    Not necessarily the point Badge. Looking at violent, gory images 2 hours a day is not, in my view, healthy for the psyche. Especially when still in relatively formative/young years. When I was in the sixth grade, there was this troublesome kid (got expelled six months later) who watched...
  5. Lordblackadder

    Iron Maiden or Metallica?

    Yes I'm too broad in my musical tastes to overconcentrate on any one genere. So I had a handful of favorites for Heavy Metal and Iron Maiden, despite being such a classic, never got on the list. Perhaps it's because so many HM Purists with Iron Maiden patches all over, were such bunred out...
  6. Lordblackadder

    Iron Maiden or Metallica?

    I mostly listened to Metallica never really got into Iron Maiden. Although I love maiden's rendition of Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. as it stands now : "would you rather be kicked by an ostrich or a water buffalo" Bob Hope responds "well they both sound pretty good to me"
  7. Lordblackadder

    On the Topic of Zombies

    How about letting them chase you off a cliff. Actually this is a shameless attempt to put this thread back to the first page.:bounce:
  8. Lordblackadder

    Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

    You're a kid! I can't believe I've been talking to a kid as though.... nevermind. I'll definately watch my language around you from now on. Actually I'll make an embarassing disclosure, I often play HL with the Gibbage off. :eek: Your parents could've done the same to save your innocent...
  9. Lordblackadder

    Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

    NO.. you still have it backwards, listen to me. Firearms are an Equalizer of Force, an old lady with a gun is a good match against a young/strong intruder even if he's armed too. But she's helpless if they're both unarmed. He can harm her with his bare hands, this is why GUNS are GOOD...
  10. Lordblackadder

    Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

    Getting rid of guns isn't going to inhibit people from harming eachother. Look at history.
  11. Lordblackadder

    Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

    Actually you have it exactly backwards, the 'will' finds the means. Nitwit. Yes this reminds me of what nitwits who blame guns for crime, think.
  12. Lordblackadder

    Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

    This reminds me of the nitwits who blame GUNS for crime.
  13. Lordblackadder

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    the reason why people need firearms is primarily for Self Defense against nitwits (ahem.. EVIL ... ahem) who play violent games and aren't able to discern reality from fiction. Hunting is only a side benefit. Also this isn't an American vs. World issue, plenty of countries have high...
  14. Lordblackadder

    On the Topic of Zombies

    And peanutbutter/jelly sandwiches, you have to keep your strength up.
  15. Lordblackadder

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    I didn't see BFC. But I am familiar with Moore and what he stands for. Since he's a celebrity that I disagree with, I get off on saying "Moore is a fat idiot!" Try it .... it's catchy. I also like saying "Impeach Dubya Bush for Lying America into war." I never said USA is the best. I...
  16. Lordblackadder

    best way to cure soar throat?

    Oh wait! I thought you said sore throat. Soar throat? Is your throat airborne? Sorry I don't think I can help you.
  17. Lordblackadder

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    I can no longer stand by while reading this nitwittery!:flame: Mike Moore is a fat idiot!:devil: Heston is a hero and a wonderful human being!:thumbs: When people shoot others, the people are to blame. When people bludgeon others with basball bats, lead pipes, bar stools, sections...
  18. Lordblackadder

    Theoretical Physics!

    Hey go have a beer, HL2 will be out soon. Don't give yourself a nosebleed, it's all relative.:cheers:
  19. Lordblackadder

    best way to cure soar throat?

    For me the most consistent cure for sore throat/allergies/cold/flu are as follows: Tea with honey and rum or brandi.:cheers: Cigar, something light and smoky, Ashton, Davidoff, Pedron. No dark Cuban cigars. :smoking: Plenty of sleep and masturbation. :sleep: :naughty: You're...
  20. Lordblackadder

    On the Topic of Zombies

    Why, thanks fo your posts. I guess this goes to show why the living must bear arms at the first sign of a zombie outbreak. :sniper: I'm glad I could enquireamifficate y'all. In the interests of helping to keep my fellow HalfLife fans safe from the constant zombie menace I decided to...