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  1. Lordblackadder

    please help , how do u get rid of.....

    Hehe hehe :eek: Well it can get annoying after a while though, even without illicit/amorous searches.
  2. Lordblackadder

    Your Religon

    As big as you can find'em. :thumbs:
  3. Lordblackadder

    please help , how do u get rid of.....

    I assume you have WinXP, here's what to do: TOOLS>>InternetOptions>>CONTENT>>down on bottom "Personal Information">>Click AutoComplete>>hit Clear Forms>>uncheck "Forms" box. You're all set. Welcome. :cheers:
  4. Lordblackadder

    7000 posts. Thanks.

    With that said, I would like to remind everyone that .... I have no life. Thank You :P
  5. Lordblackadder

    Gordaon Is Gmaaaan!!!

    No he's not Merc, stop sniffing crazy glue. :rolling:
  6. Lordblackadder

    Your Religon

    I created my own. Looking for members if anyone is interested, my religion offers: Scientific Underpinning Logical Progression A chance to become godlike A blissful afterlife. Let me know
  7. Lordblackadder

    One step closer to tyranny

    About the Teleban, I'll say fair enough. About Saddam, I'll say the administration lied us into unnecessary war and occupation, for the benefit of trechareous special interest groups. :eek: Not at all shocking, that can be said of half the wars Americans fought since the turn of the...
  8. Lordblackadder

    I just had a meeting with my gf's dad.

    Yes good point about divorce Zerox. I think that as long as both families respect the marriage, there won't be problems even in divorce. One thing that I always ask, whenever I hear these divorce horror stories is, "where the hell is the girl's family to tell here to stop being a wench."...
  9. Lordblackadder

    One step closer to tyranny

    "Those who would trade essential liberty, for the promise of secuity, deserve neither liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin American Founding Father
  10. Lordblackadder

    I just had a meeting with my gf's dad.

    Nerdmaaaan! Nerdmaaaan! Glad to hear it. :cheers: You know one of the things a father wants to see is that his daughter's suitor is not some two faced sycophant. I have a sister and when the boys started a callin', he would be just stern enough to weed out the weak ones, but always...
  11. Lordblackadder

    I saved someone's life this weekend... I guess

    I save someoen's life every weekend, by taking my medication and going to anger management classes.
  12. Lordblackadder

    Anyone watching the Venus Event?

    I saw Venus yes, but then I realized I was looking at Uranus. Bwahahahahah!!! I can't believe noone else said it!:)
  13. Lordblackadder

    Half-Life 2 Theory based off information from Half-Life 1

    Look one thing that is well established long before Lambda Core is that the BM facility is meant for: -Limited teleportation to Xen. -Collection of specimens from Xen. At least one scientist even says so. This is why we encounter all those Xenian specimens in OpFor and Questionable...
  14. Lordblackadder

    Race X - Bad or good Idea

    RaceX Competing Xenian Group I think RaceX may be a different "nation" within Xen. Perhaps Nihilanth's people are dominant, but X aliens occupy a remote area of Xen. X's may also be fighting a civil war of some kind against Nihilanth's people. So when they got wind of the resonance...
  15. Lordblackadder

    Links to HL2 voice actors profiles and bios

    Vortigaunt sounds were done by LG Jr.? I would like to have seen the recording session. "Now mr. Goset I know you're an accomplished actor, but could you make a bunch of funny guttoral sounds for us please."
  16. Lordblackadder

    what are you downloading right now?

    PORN! Don't tell my boss.
  17. Lordblackadder

    E32K4 Video

    Then I shall acquire one fortwith! :cheese: Kudos
  18. Lordblackadder

    cool stuff

  19. Lordblackadder

    E32K4 Video

    It's asking for money, can I just register for free?
  20. Lordblackadder

    Gordon's relationships

    I think Gordon gets around, he doesn't need stinkin' relationships, what with all that "Hold me Gordie" and "let's talk about our feelings". Let me tell you that HEV suit is a chick magnet. I have no idea what I'm talkin' about.:)