So I had plenty of time to mull this issue over/torture myself while the website was down this week. It's both the easiest and most difficult political/ethical issue I've ever thought about it. It was easy because I could straight up say that sex isn't like skydiving or any of it, people just do...
Look...yeah. To be honest, I'm beginning to understand why an insurance company wouldn't care about this (being the mindless bureaucracy machines that they are). It has taken me a while, because I live in a country where your financial situation/employer really has nothing to do with the kind of...
Good heavens, no, that's not what I was saying at all, you completely missed my point there. What I was saying, and have been saying all along (so I'm surprised that this is what you think I was saying) is that sex is not like just playing a game, or mindlessly entertaining yourself, or...
Do you think there are situations where it's not ok to have (consensual-with-an-adult) sex then?
And I never said anything about biologically compelled....more like biologically inclined. Which is why sex is different to playing games and seeking thrills, which is the main point I'm trying to...
By that I mean that for many people, it's more than just a game or a diversion. Sex isn't that trivial or straightforward. It's different for everyone. Perhaps you've just never really experienced it the way I have, I don't know.
You're acting like sex isn't the norm for humans, that it's just...
Well...yes :) but the point still stands that (a) a health insurance that picks and chooses for you based on "morality" or whatever is kind of dodgy, and (b) women who speak up for their needs are not whores. Or if they are whores, then we should all aspire to being whores. Six of one...
Yeah, when I researched this story, I saw a lot of "you could always choose not to have sex", "don't expect us to pay for your sexual habits" if the desire for a normal sex life was somehow a strange demand (when let's face it, from a biological standpoint, it's a lot less strange than...
Really? I mean, granted, the world would still turn if we only had sex during the 3-4 days or so that we ovulate, but do you really think that sex, and a healthy attitude to having sex, are so unimportant? Having sex is not the same as going to the cinema, or going on a rollercoaster, or...
Exactly...I mean, Jehova's Witnesses, for example, are against blood transfusions. Suppose, hypothetically, they ran a college that covered health care for students and for some reason I went to it, and found myself in the situation of needing some new blood. Would anyone sane stand over their...
See, that just highlights how a person's own sense of morality is really a silly way to judge what should or shouldn't be done in a situation. I would never feel good about doing that. You would. So which of us is right? Who decides what's acceptable and what's wrong/crazy?
Also, obviously a...
Being Irish, this is the first time I've heard of Rush Limbaugh. And yes, I agree with you. This debate isn't about sex, it's about what insurance companies should and shouldn't have to cover. But, as Toaster mentioned, why birth control? Why not hysterectomies, vasectomies, Viagra and the many...
Could you give me an example of a situation in which a lack of moral character gave a desirable end result?
(Moral character is a pretty loose term. Does it mean not hurting people? Or not killing people? Or only killing people who deserved it? Where would you draw the line? It's a hard one to...
The issue:
The response:
Interwebs, why is this happen? :(
When will people stop trying to make women ashamed in order to shut them up? It obviously doesn't work.
Also, silly billy thinking that the...
Stephen Chu has a Nobel Prize in physics. He probably knows what he's talking about.
Edit: From an environmental point of view, that is. Which is what he's there for. Not economics.
Hahahahaha that's hilarious. Cat looks super pissed off or else on drugs or something. Most cats would probably not put up with it.
My cat, however, has no such scruples:
Cos tofu is gross, that's why.
I wouldn't be for cloned meat myself, because I just don't think it'd be as nice. The nicest steaks are from happy cows that lived outside in a field and frolicked and ate grass. That stuff really does affect how the meat tastes.
I still can't understand this mindset.
"Rapists rape women => women = problem"
Silly billies should complain about rapists who are raping too much. Not women who get raped too much. This isn't a problem caused by or exacerbated by women whatsoever.