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  1. Unfocused

    Deus Ex: The Fall reveal

    LOL, at the comments and rating of that video. What was EIDOS thinking? It looks good for a mobile game, but you don't announce a new Deus Ex game, get peoples' hopes up and then give them a mobile game...
  2. Unfocused

    Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

    I heard that something important would happen in this episode, so when there were like minutes (time spoiler, just in case) till the end and nothing groundbreaking happened, I was on the edge of my seat. And then... **** me.
  3. Unfocused

    What is your speed?

    Yet for some reason I have no problem loading youtube videos at work. It's as if YT looked at your speed and always used only a certain percentage of it. I'll check tomorrow what my speed at work is.
  4. Unfocused

    What is your speed?

    Now that's informative! Yet for some reason youtube often has problems streaming 720p video without pausing (not saying my DL speed is high, but it should be high enough)
  5. Unfocused

    Post a screenshot!

    The game in these screenshots actually looks better than in the trailers (where it still looks good) - I think it's probably because the trailers show many characters, and it seems like the faces and models aren't quite up to the standard of the rest graphically.
  6. Unfocused

    GTA V announced

    Crap, looks like I'm the fool then. You confused me, you son of a bitch.
  7. Unfocused

    GTA V announced

    I was actually referring to tomoemozok and sixteenth. I know you're smarter than that Vegeta <3
  8. Unfocused

    GTA V announced

    What the hell are you talking about you guys. No word on PC release (yeah, I'm sure they're not saying anything to surprise us with a PC release 2 months after the console one - we'll probably have to wait around 7-8 months, as usual). SDK is not a Source-exclusive term.
  9. Unfocused

    Photo of the Day!

    Dat sunset bloom.
  10. Unfocused

    Leviathan: Warships

    Heheh, loving the trailer.
  11. Unfocused

    Bioshock: Infinite [no spoilers]

    What morgs said. I'm leaning towards the first option.
  12. Unfocused

    Bioshock: Infinite [no spoilers]

    Didn't see it posted here and just watched it: I had no idea they hired the girl that cosplayed Elizabeth to make scans of her face and use them for promo materials.
  13. Unfocused

    The year is 2007, it is the future

    This does not look appealing at all to me.
  14. Unfocused

    Bioshock: Infinite [no spoilers]

    That was meant as a humorous understatement - I'm sure anyone who's finished the game realises the differences. :>
  15. Unfocused

    Bioshock: Infinite [no spoilers]

    They seem to have changed the game a bit since 2010; I remember watching this video back then:
  16. Unfocused

    Bioshock: Infinite [no spoilers]

    Thanks for the graphs BHC, the story is definitely more clear now.
  17. Unfocused

    Bioshock: Infinite [no spoilers]

    Got this yesterday and I'm enjoying the experience so far. In terms of graphics they did go a little overboard with the bloom though. It seems the alternate post-processing helps with that at the cost of a few fps. I couldn't find any solid info or comparison screenshots showing the difference...
  18. Unfocused

    Looking for games that will emotionally destroy me

    I see Spec Ops: The Line mentioned a few times here - from the gameplay I saw it looks like a generic TPP shooter, does it have a great story or something?
  19. Unfocused

    ARMA 3

    I'll send you one, on one condition. Be my friend. On Steam. Friend invite sent.