The year is 2007, it is the future


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Out of nowhere comes an announcement for a stand alone expansion for Far Cry 3. With crazy futuristic weaponry, a cheesy 80's cyberpunk theme, and soundtrack made by Powerglove. Sounds almost too good to be true, and the fact that the teaser trailer came out on April 1st, doesn't help. However more and more promotional material is coming out, so it seems like the real deal.

Screenshots here:

And here is a link to Powerglove's soundcloud page, where you can listen to the music:
I think that may be the idea. That being said, this is a bit too stimulating to me and seems over the top. I get it, but it feels slathered all over with gimmick that the novelty disappears in a dense coating of bullshittery. I refuse to watch this media.
I'm looking forward to this if it manages to swing the gimmick without sacrificing the gameplay from FC3. I ****ing love the 80s action/arcade aesthetic.

EDIT: OK there is no excuse for being that bad a video games
its about 60% the size of FC3 which is pretty big still. So far it is very fun and involves a lot of blood dragons with lasers that can 1-shot you. You can either sneak around them and ignore them or use them against an enemy base by deactivating its shield. Again, though, this isn't just a small ad-on. It is pretty much a full game.
That's like saying Army of Darkness is stupid. No shit, it's intended to be kitschy. It's fun because you embrace it.
That's like saying Army of Darkness is stupid. No shit, it's intended to be kitschy. It's fun because you embrace it.

Never compare this culture-milking horseshit to an actual brilliant piece of cinematic absurdity. Video games are ****ing retarded. Army of Darkness qualities? Are you ****ing serious?

Alternatively, you can embrace performing cunnilingus on horses. That doesn't mean you do it. Our claim is it's poorly executed parody with seemingly no redemptive gameplay. Go ahead and play it.
Never compare this culture-milking horseshit to an actual brilliant piece of cinematic absurdity. Video games are ****ing retarded. Army of Darkness qualities? Are you ****ing serious?

Alternatively, you can embrace performing cunnilingus on horses. That doesn't mean you do it. Our claim is it's poorly executed parody with seemingly no redemptive gameplay. Go ahead and play it.

Yeah, a leaked beta build of a game is totally representative of the final product. Please.

Army of Darkness is an exercise in pop culture milking, but it put a sufficiently original, absurd twist to stay enjoyable. It simply parodied the cliches of the films from that era. Self-referential ironic humor is as old as mankind. The same kind of thing happens in any number of media now: Hotline Miami, Scary Movie, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the list goes on. What this will come down to is how well-executed the final product is, not the subject matter it uses.

In short, you have no frame of reference and are making sweeping generalizations with no basis outside of what a secret beta that was not intended to be bought or even seen looks like. Do you understand how ridiculous that is?
I watched that video of the leak, even if there is three times as much content, it still looks like it will be boring, and the "theme" will be tiresome after a few minutes.

Yeah, a leaked beta build of a game is totally representative of the final product. Please.
Please don't make me laugh. You realize the game's official release date is 21 days from now, right?
I watched that video of the leak, even if there is three times as much content, it still looks like it will be boring, and the "theme" will be tiresome after a few minutes.

Please don't make me laugh. You realize the game's official release date is 21 days from now, right?

How do you know that?
Because it's a simple downloadable title with a very straight-forward concept and gameplay that's already been proven by the main game. The likelihood that they'll be changing any major elements this far into development is basically zero, they're likely already in crunch polishing it up for release.

Anyway, there's stupid and then there's stupid. You didn't see anyone comparing Duke Nukem Forever's interactive poop flinging to the jolly irreverence of Army of Darkness. Why? Because it was ****ing stupid. Seeing a game with a pointless "flip-people-off-with-your-robot-hand" button strikes me as the latter sort.

Edit: I feel like elaborating a bit more since I can see this going around in circles until someone says something substantive, and my first post didn't exactly give anything away.

I guess the distinction I'd make between this and something like Army of Darkness is that AOD felt like an organic creation, where they set out to make it because they wanted to put across a certain tone they thought people would enjoy, and the individual pieces (jokes, references, etc) that they used were there in service of a greater whole. When I look at this I just see a boardroom full of cynical suits listing off a bunch of shit that pushes people's nostalgia/awesome buttons and then jamming it into a pre-existing game to make a quick buck out of it. Then again I'm plenty cynical myself when it comes to video games, so that might be a factor.

Also before anyone accuses me of looking at AOD through rose-tinted glasses, I only saw it last year. It's still pretty great.
When I look at this I just see a boardroom full of cynical suits listing off a bunch of shit that pushes people's nostalgia/awesome buttons and then jamming it into a pre-existing game to make a quick buck out of it.
I don't even know what Army of Darkness is, never even heard of it. But this part here is evident even without having something to compare it to.
Is Army of Darkness the same as Evil Dead? *Googles*. Ok it's Evil Dead 3.
The pump action M4 is the crowning moment of awesome stupidity.
You guys are such haters! This game is nothing but awesome.

My friend played it (and by friend I really mean that, I can't be ****ed to go download it) and was not particularly impressed. He said it got monotonous real fast, but he had the same complaint about FC3, and I ****ing loved every minute of FC3. Therefore, I reserve judgment.