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  1. SirNuke

    Left 4 Dead 2 Now Preloading

    What if I played the demo, and felt that Valve hasn't done much to address many of the more fundamental problems with L4D? There's a pretty extensive list of changes demonstrated in the L4D2 demo, very few of which have any non-trivial impact on the gameplay. I'll pass until it goes on sale...
  2. SirNuke

    New Team Fortress 2 Official Avatars

    The references to hill defense make me wonder about some type of "king of the hill" game play mode in the future. Probably not, but that might be interesting with TF2.
  3. SirNuke

    Valve Responds to L4D 2 Criticism

    Say what you want about the video, but Gabe made it quite clear Valve was going to do TF2 style updates to L4D. In roughly the same amount of time it took Valve to release the survival pack, TF2 has seen Badlands, CTF Well, Gold Rush, and the medic pack. I don't consider the two versus...
  4. SirNuke

    Valve Responds to L4D 2 Criticism

    To say off the bat, I'm not going to boycott L4D 2009 out of spite. When it comes out, I'll consider the price and content, and make my purchase accordingly. I won't make the mistake of believing L4D 2009 will receive new post-release content, explicitly promised or implied, but I'm not going...
  5. SirNuke

    Zeno Clash Coming to Steam (On Source Engine)

    Trippy dude.
  6. SirNuke

    CVG's Orange Box Dissected Part 3 (TF2)

    I wonder if this is a hint of what features are in store. (From the steamworks' game service page).