I beg to differ, they should make it so you can go as deep as you like with your choice of models, they could have got the copier boy to port over the 1.6 models. Most would agree they looked great. And where are the bots for cryin out loud!!
Is someone out there porting player models with ease and would love to help me port some of my work??. Its mostly player models for cs, primarily cartoon models. What you see on my site is only the half of it. I have a lot of projects sitting on my drive. It would be nice to hook up with someone...
Oh I just figured it out all you do is make mp_decals "1" cos then you are limited to just one decal at any given time, so no blood on the walls woohoo.
Thanks for helping guys.
Ok now I am up to here with it....
//bloodspray //cmd blood
cl_show_bloodspray "0" //Client DLL
//cl_show_splashes "1" //Client DLL water ????
violence_ablood "0" //Draw alien blood
violence_agibs "0" //Show alien gib entities
violence_hblood "0"...
I want content control for cs s. With the old HL you could add a few lines to your shortcut and it would take out the blood, I looked up the long list of commands for cs s and found the same ones there and also some others. To this point the blood is all gone accept for the decal thrown up on...