content control for cs s


Nov 27, 2004
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I want content control for cs s. With the old HL you could add a few lines to your shortcut and it would take out the blood, I looked up the long list of commands for cs s and found the same ones there and also some others. To this point the blood is all gone accept for the decal thrown up on the wall. How can I change that so its iether transperent or not there? I like the candy in the game so I dont want to remove all decals, like bullit holes etc. Can it be done with commands? This is what I have so far.

//bloodspray //cmd blood

cl_show_bloodspray "0" //Client DLL

//cl_show_splashes 1 //Client DLL water ????

violence_ablood "0" //Draw alien blood
violence_agibs "0" //Show alien gib entities
violence_hblood "0" //Draw human blood
violence_hgibs "0" //Show human gib entities

//r_cleardecals //cmd //Usage r_cleardecals <permanent>.

//r_maxmodeldecal "0"

r_drawmodeldecals "0"

Thanks all.

cl_maxdecals 0 or something. It's a decal command, but you also lose bullet holes and grenade explosion marks.
this is great been wondering when people would answer this dilemma cause people have been bitching about this since hl2 came out
Ok now I am up to here with it....

//bloodspray //cmd blood

cl_show_bloodspray "0" //Client DLL

//cl_show_splashes "1" //Client DLL water ????

violence_ablood "0" //Draw alien blood
violence_agibs "0" //Show alien gib entities
violence_hblood "0" //Draw human blood
violence_hgibs "0" //Show human gib entities

//r_cleardecals //cmd //Usage r_cleardecals <permanent>.

//r_maxmodeldecal "0"

r_drawmodeldecals "0"

//cl_detaildist "1200" //Material System
//cl_detailfade "400" //Material System

//cl_maxrenderable_dist "3000" //CheatClient DLL Max distance from the camera at which things will be rendered

cl_showfps "1" //Client DLL Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps)

//cl_showtextmsg "0" //Client DLL Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen.

mp_decals "0" //Archive

//r_drawdecals "0" //Cheat Render decals.

//r_decal_cullsize "1" //Decals under this size in pixels are culled

//cl_maxdecals "0"

.... maxdecals is an invalid command, I am suprised that I cannot find a command to take them away. I might have a look at modding the files that make the blood. Any help with these commands would be great.


Oh I just figured it out all you do is make mp_decals "1" cos then you are limited to just one decal at any given time, so no blood on the walls woohoo.

Thanks for helping guys.