130 results on crash to desktop, and still no fix - ROFL

TrippyG said:
my little brother has similar reboot problems when playing CS:S and I have heard other ppl complaining about the same thing... my bro has a new comp so I doubt it's the hardware...

So? Just because its new doesn't mean some of the hardware has errors in it it.
DiSTuRbEd said:
So? Just because its new doesn't mean some of the hardware has errors in it it.
I know but I've tested the HW, nothing wrong with it... strange :cat:
i had the same problem as you and tried most of the solutions found which made no difference.
i braught a new motherboard and power supply unit...worked 100%.
i think it may have been my memory slots on my old mobo or something not sure
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but scan for viruses.

I had a problem with steam a while back, where it would only work the first time I ran it, after that it would just crash before even logging in. The good people at Valve had me delete my clientregistry and a few other files, which did help, until the 2nd time you tried to run it.

It ended up being a virus, which lucky me, carried over from reformats, because I'm a retard, and the virus had infected my Radeon drivers. It was pe_parite2. I think, anyways. I downloaded AVG and I have not had any crashes yet.

I ended up losing a ram and a video card to the damn thing, simply because I was too stupid to do any in depth problem solving. Also, the virus appeared roughly an hour after I installed the two components. Good luck to you man.
Odd restarts have to do with either, the psu, mobo or memory, or could be all 3. I had random restarts for a few weeks on an old windows installation, anyways like 2 weeks after the initial random restarts, the psu dies.....Fixed my problem easily, but not my wallet :x
after 2 weeks of constant rebooting, having tried everything in these and other forums i decided to change my graphic card i was using an ati 9800 pro 128meg.
i swopped it for an old nvidia geforce ti 4200 and guess what it hasnt rebooted once in the last 2 weeeks. read into that what you want but my next purchase will be either a 6600gt or maybe 6800.

my spec
amd 64 3500
asus a8v deluxe
160gig sata
2 x 512mg pc3200 generic
4200 ti
pioneer 108
dsp 500 plantronic
DiSTuRbEd said:
Odd restarts have to do with either, the psu, mobo or memory, or could be all 3. I had random restarts for a few weeks on an old windows installation, anyways like 2 weeks after the initial random restarts, the psu dies.....Fixed my problem easily, but not my wallet :x

That's why I thought the problem was bad memory. The crashes I was getting looked a lot like memory crashes. It did end up being a virus though.
well maybe something is about to burnout then - probably from all the tweaking and messing around to get this title to run without crashing to desltop every 20 mins

but the fact remains that my other titles are still running for hours without a hitch - this machine is often left online running services for me while i'm away for days at a time, without any restarts - and at the end of the day - any machine hosting a bz2 mpi for hours without a problem has no hardware faults...

read the thread, at points i've had only the bare essentials installed with ram exchanged with some from one of my servers. do i honestly come over as the kind of user who would dismiss hardware issues and blame software without testing? get a grip.

if something fails on this machine anytime soon, i'll let you know - the first time it restarted i assumed a fan was failing cos my rams less than 3 months old and i'd been playing for less than 30mins on a cold start - it was late, i hit the sack... the next day, after the machine had been online allnight sending dj demos to a m8 elsewhere on the planet, i hosted a successful mpi with 2 online which took over an hour to complete. Anyone that knows bz2 knows that's about as much strain as you can put a machine through - specially if you've got all the eyecandy switched on - as i do... if it was any of the things you antagonistic tossers mentioned. It wouldn't have lasted 5 mins - the second you have 2 buildings up a few scavs and you're taking down the second or 3rd wav, looking for a gap to capture youre 3rd resource pool - your machine's already using everything it's go to offer - any conflicts, crap ram, dodgy driver, iffy soundcard, laggy network traffic, underspun heatsink fan, power fluctuations or whatever - and that game will nail it as an excuse for a slideshow / dump to 6x4 desktop with lock /restart /bsod or just hang - it's notorious for it. if you don't know what bz2 is - go find a copy in a bargain bucket somewhere - there's still nothing like it! top game - well patched by the communty (as support for it was dropped by the makers after about 6 months of trying to get the bitch stable)
i've not had any restarts for the last few days - and i did about 12 hours with hammer yesterday. i've not changed anything in my setup - not that i can remember anyway, but i was quite wasted over the weekend...
might have been a change in my anti aliasing setup... i remember switching it to X2 at some pointafter reading that it was a fix for someone's stuttering issues on a 9800pro (and yes, it worked for me too) - but i noticed i'd been stuttering a bit again, and checked it, and it's set to application pref.

Looks like i need it switched on for playing and switched off for mapping.

All is stable n well atm - nothing's blown up/burnt out/fried/stopped spinning and i've not had an unwelcome restart in ages... must have been a hardware issue - not.
new ati drivers installed - crashing to desktop every 5 mins...
think i'll stick to the old Omega drivers....
Upgrade to 1 GB of ram. That should make your games and applications run a lot smoother.

I got pretty mush the same problem with my 9800PRO.
I solved it by taking down the model details to medium.
...Everyone should have their Models on Medium. There is no difference between High and Medium there. Textures are a different story...
I've ended up adding another half a gig of ram, sticking an extra case fan on the fan arm for a Zalmon flower i'm no longer using and pointing it between the CPU and the vidcard,(even though nothing's gets anywhere near a warning level heatwise) and making a few small adjustments to my tweak file.

Everything's been stable for about 3 months, then last nights patch induced the 'launcher dll / procedure not found' error. Fixed that by backing up my custom content then deleting the counterstrike source dir. (Not much to download, but it fixed something deleting game content/redownloading and validating files didn't fix). Now i'm up and running smoothly, but still choppier than b4 the patch... I've gotta get round to some research on whether any of the commands in this tweak file were made obsolete by the update... :

//serving settings
sv_lan 0
sv_downloadurl http://www.trailofdeath.net/cssmaps/de_retribution/
developer 1

//Netcode Settings

*cl_interp 0
*cl_interpolate 0
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1 //Checks for player position errors
cl_cmdbackup 2
cl_cmdrate 101
cl_updaterate 101
sv_minrate 2000
*cl_rate 20000
cl_smooth 0 //Stops the game from feeling choppy
rate 25000

//Graphic Settings

mat_dxlevel 81
budget_show_history 0
cl_ejectbrass 0
cl_forcepreload "1"
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_phys_props_max 0
cl_radartype 1
*cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0
cl_show_bloodspray 1
cl_show_splashes 0
fog_enable 0
fog_enable_water_fog 1
*fps_max 101
mat_bloom 0
mat_bumpmap 0
mat_clipz 0
mat_fastnobump 1
mat_fastspecular 1
mat_mipmaptextures 1
mat_picmip 1 //This is the command that the in game "Texture Quality" setting changes: 0 = High 1 = Medium 2 = Low
mat_specular 0
mat_trilinear 0
mp_decals 300
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 1
muzzleflash_light 0
r_avglight 0
r_decal_cullsize 1
*r_decals 0
r_dispfullradius "2"
r_drawdetailprops 0
r_drawropes 0
r_dynamic 0
r_eyeglintlodpixels 0
r_eyegloss 0
r_eyemove 0
r_eyes 0
r_eyeshift_x 0
r_eyeshift_y 0
r_eyeshift_z 0
r_eyesize 0
r_lightaverage "0"
r_lightinterp "0"
r_lod 3 //5 makes Player models look bad but saves CPU power. A setting of -5 will make the game render perfect quality models from any distance
r_mmx 1
r_propsmaxdist 100
r_rainalpha 0
r_rainalphapow 0
r_raindensity 0
r_rainlength 0
r_RainProfile 0
r_rainradius 0
r_RainRadius 0
r_RainSideVel 0
r_RainSimulate 0
r_rainspeed 0
r_rainwidth 0
r_RainSplashPercentage 0
r_renderoverlayfragment "0"
r_rootlod "2"
r_shadowmaxrendered "-1"
r_shadowrendertotexture "0"
r_shadows 0
r_sse "1"
r_sse2 "1"
r_teeth 0
r_WaterDrawReflection 0
*r_worldlightmin "1"
*r_worldlights "1"
sv_forcepreload 1

//Blood detail increased to see hits better

violence_agibs "1"
violence_hgibs "1"
violence_hblood "1"
violence_ablood "1"
cl_show_bloodspray "1"

//Crosshair brightness

cl_crosshairalpha "999"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"

// next file

exec keys
Ur PSU might not be powerful enough to run all that hardware. U may need a higher one sumert like 460Watts
just sticking in a 460watt psu wouldnt make a blind bit of diffrence if it was down to the psu being underpowerd unless you know what the rail is on it the 12v rail is the most important but the others are important to what is yours mate?

you whant atleast 28 AMP rail for the hardware you are runningdont think im talking crap either a psu that is under amped can DAMAGE your grfx card and other hardware in your system because it is starving hardware of power this is only severe cases but because it cant provide enough amp to hardware spread over the system it causes instability with that card you whant atleast 28amp should surfice radeons especielly 9800's eat power thats why they are hotter running cards than other brands of cards if you can try to get a psu with a rail in the low to high 30's but 28 should surfice but be warned if you check your psu and the rail is above 28 dont disrigaurd it it may still be faulty lend one to test in your machine if you can .
i had the same problem as you for months and months i replaced my grfx card cpu even my case in a vane attempt to solve this annoying little nouget in then end i baught a new psu because i was due one and hey presto problem solved and i didnt even buy it with the purpose of solving the problem.

let us know the rail on your psu
messed this one up - would be nice if we could delete our own posts...
Rails - that's a new one on me... and not a word mentioned amongst the statistics decorating my PSU. Could you explain what they are / the algorythm used to determine them / it... or leave a link to a rails for dummies explanation please?

and does anyone know why since the patch, i have to wait till i've connected to a game and then exec my tweak file again to get the desired effects?
ok on your psu where you have the power outages it should look like this

+12v 28A MAX
+5V 40A MAX

+3.3V 32A MAX
-5V 0.5A MAX
-12V 1.0 MAX
+5V/SB 2.0A MAX

the way this works is each of these voltage channels ie: when i say 12v rail im reffering to the +12v channel at the top that is the 12v rail and this rail indicates 28amp so there is 28amp on the 12v rail let me know if that helps you should definatly have a voltage sticker on your psu somewhere that resembles the above with writing and various tad bits of info on if you find it list the amps on each rail the way i have above.
I willdo m8... just having a go at dealing with this:
Failed to lock index buffer in CmeshDx8::LockIndexBuffer

first... fukkin shitty patch
ok - well i think my 12v rail maxes out at 20a

I've scribbled down the contents of the label but i don't believe i can get this post to hold the formatting. Where the hell do you go for PSU specifications online? can't find a spec list for my UU Switching power Supply ATX350w anywhere. But i did just notice it's got 'for pentium4' stamped on it and i'm not running a pentium (overpriced)...
ok if it is indeed 20a on the +12v it is under amped for you system especielly for your grfx card and the rest of the gear you have in there a new psu is called for if you can get a lend of one to check out if it solves your prob but definatly yhink about replacing you whant atleast 28a on the +12v rail low to high 30's idealy
that would make sense of the combination of errors i've had a various times.
I think there's a 420 in one of my servers - will go check the rails...
ok - i got a 360 with a 28a on +12v in one, and a 300 with a 30a on +12v in another... i'm sure I bought a 420 for my main rig at some point - think i'll go check the spares pile tomorrow.

thanks for the helpful, unique and informative advice m8...
no problem i hope it helps and trust me when i say i understand how infuriating this problem can be it was like christmas day all over again when i sorted mine ill keep my fingers crossed for you
oh just incase you cant find your 420watt psu the 360 should do the job it has a high enough ampige to correct the problem if it is indeed down to that stick it in if it is the problem you should notice the diffrence ampige is more important than wattage to a degree if you have a 360watt with 28amp +12v rail and a 500watt psu with a 20amp +12v rail i would take the 360 any dayampige is more vital for components as there is less to be shared and is basicly the most important part of the electrical stream take phone chargers in england we have 2 major brands nokia and motorola both chargers have the same current but the milliamps are diffret so they are incompatible amps are everything
I can't find the 420, but i've swapped in the one you suggested and i think it's made a difference. I'm still getting loads of crap i know full well was brought on by the last patch, but once i am up and running, and have exec'd my tweaks file, things seem a lil tighter than they were b4... And Hammer feels more responsive while working on my stupid golliath of an experimental map...

Funny thing is, the power unit i replaced wouldn't keep the server I pulled the replacement psu from up and running for more than about 3 seconds after the bios post beep....

anyways - thanks again for that m8, i owe you a pint. (or a pill/bump/line or whatever your poison is...)
a line and perhaps a first go when you test your map should do it i like playermade maps they are cool oh and what other probs are you having from the last patch i may be able to help
other problems... css, (but not HL2), now crashes to desktop on joining some servers.

Loading time on the first game i join in a css session now takes a full 5 mins (or so it feels). way more hdd activity than there used to be (although i'd doubled my ram just b4 the was released). the extra long effort appears to be durring 'sending client info'.

Even though my tweakfile is execd at first, i still have to wait until i've joined a game, then exec again to actually get the gains from it. (which i believe may be the root cause of the loading time problem mentioned above - richer textures being loaded or something...?)

If i flip out to windows to do something, it crashes with that Dx8 meshlock bs when trying to get back to the game. (all the shite this engine has put me through and I couldn't believe it'd managed to generate an as yet unseen by me error message doing something it'd never b4 had a problem with)

there are more lil locks and spikes all round then there were b4 the patch.

I'd read somewhere that all these problems are probably related to the implimentation of HDR. I've checked, it's dissabled, so I was planning on leaving it all alone for a couple more weeks then going on the search for answers....
what direct x version is you software running in in the advanced video tab in game?
i ask this because you say hdr is disabled and you dont whant to mess with it only mine isnt disabled and i hae a 9600ro so by rites yours should be set the same as mine
there are three settings for it in the options tab
bloom:if compatible
then there is disabled without the option of changing the setting if your software or hardware is set so its incompatible what is yours set to at this very minute?
as for the crash to desktop on joining a server i have no idea i know mine still kicks me from a server to thesplash screen a couple of time now and again i just have to persivere with it its rare and only happens five or six times in a row when it does occure and im still looking for the fix
the ultimate fix being to hand it over to ID for a couple months.... <cough cough>

I know my tweak file drops dx ver to 8.1 - with an fps boost of about 30 in the stress test, it only makes sense... HDR says 'full if available', but a check for hdr related commands in the console tells me it's dissabled. I'm assuming that's because i run in dx81. One of the commands that looked enabled (was set to 2) came back with 'not in a game' (or words to that effect) when i tried to 0 it whether i was or wasn't - if you think it's relevant i'll go find the specific hdr that was...

I was thinking there may have been some changes to do with the rates etc as half the servers i used to get a really clean n smooth game on now spike me every single time a player comes into view - makes the game completely unplayable... I've still not researched exactly what all the netgraph info actually means, but when the barchart gets tall evey 2 seconds, it's bad right? even though my ping and tic up n down may be consistently good, the barchart's putting out figures like 400, 600, 700, 900, 500, 400, 300 durring every skirmish. Players juddering and warping all over the place....

Some players have suggested it's a graphics driver issue, but considering the differences between various hi-tic servers i get decent pings on, i doubt it. MJ12 is now unplayable for me, yet EvO and God.dk servers are almost as smooth as they were b4 the last patch. Still not anywhere near as slick as b4, but playablish...

I'm on the latest official Radeon drivers atm. I'll use that driver cleaning tool, then the latest from Omega sometime tomorrow and see if there's a difference...

On the re-read, I gotta apologise for the rambling and patchy obscurities in this post - it's been a long weekender. Sunday morning's afterparty ended at 3pm.... tuesday's gonna be fukkin messy....
lol..... no worries on the rambling i expect nothing less on a sunday of all days
as for juddering is this like stop start stop startwhen you are running if so this used to happen to me when i messed with my rates i think they call it choke and it indicates your rates are all wrong if it is when you are running and dont mind redoing all your settings ina bid to try and fix go into your cs folder and delete your config file then play cs and it will write the default cfg file back in the folder if it doesnt happen then before implamenting your custom cfg settings then it was your rates.
just make sure you go into a server that was jerky and try.
another fix i find helped me when i used to get like major lag whenever i come into any sort of range of people fiighting or me fighting with people is turning the audio qality in the options menu to low from high i found that the sudden burst of sound used to lag me a lot when i made contact with other players (bear in mind that for you this is just a stab in the dark try you never know it may help)
try to make a note of server tick rates and weather this affects you in certun ways compared to the level of the servers tick rates i think the tick rates are 30/60/100
this is dependant on how fast the server updates your position on the map ie:30 being slowest 100 being highest
as for net graph im lost on that one all i use that for is fps count and true ping
personly i wouldnt use omega drivers as they are performance enhancing drivers im not sure how but when trying to fix a problem i wouldnt whant to add another factor to the equastion (just my 2 cents there)
if your video card is working fine and im sure it is i cant see the drivers making a whole lot of diffrence if it was the drivers i would expect your machine to crash rebooting with a microsoft error message (i may be wrong on that one though)
as for hdr to be quite hounest i cant see that being related atall there arnt any maps that utilize the feature yet so it wont be implamented
really you have a 9800pro so run in dx with textures on medium player models on low and shader and shadow options on high with trilinear your card should handle these settings perfectly and will give you an indication of certainproblems that occur you will be surprised what a diffrence droping player models to low will make and i doubt unless you look hard enough youll be able to tell hope that helps
Your suggested settings are almost exactly what i'd ended up with durring my first round of tweaking and are reflected in the tweak file, my rates are listed near the top and i'm pretty confident that unless the last patch has changed something about syntax needed for one or more of them, those rates are still good.

Shortly after that last patch had come out and i realized it'd shagged my game over i did do a 'revert all' and deleted the config.cfg to reset everything, but i don't beleive i've tried bringing the sound quality down a notch since. A quick test i just did on that's looking promising m8. I'll get into it some more tomorrow
The ****ing suck? Yet about 99% people have fixed the problems with faulty drivers or hardware.

It is indeed you who sucks.
Considering the flow of this thread shows how lil tweaks to both software and hardware have lead to solutions for various problems _that have not affected other titles_ - it is in fact your post that truely sux... get laid.

For those of you who've been getting incurable stutters on any source based game, a few of the serious have a possible solution for you on this thread:


Which solved the last of the problems i've had with css... It's a method for precaching all sounds b4 play so there's no constant hdd access durring play. 1gig o ram or over is recomended.