Probably bad use of the word draw on my part. Replace it with "winners".
Like that the New Vegas one doesn't have an associated special with it. Makes me glad I preordered way back when and potentially decreases the pool size.
What Otto said. The language at the top is suggestive of [3], while the terms & conditions seem to imply [2].
Also it's four objectives, with five draws per objective :cheese:.
Good point, it would probably take me all the remaining time just to download it. I'll be interested to see tomorrow's competitions.
Edit: the language they use within the upper portion of the competition page seems to refer to a single collective drawing in contradiction to the previous line I...
Oooh, a technicality I had not spotted previously that makes this whole deal much more interesting:
Sponsor will select five (5) winners by random drawing for each Treasure Hunt objective for each 48-hour period within 24 hours from the end of the period.
In other words, only those that have...
I like that I have three times more chance than your average joe this round, but there's the problem of everyone who has an avatar already has an in. And I'm not buying ruse just for a bit more infinitesimally small odds and a hat I won't be able to get in the long run without buying every game...
Not really following... is it because of the huge userbase and hence low odds? Because a very small chance is larger than no chance at all, and all it costs you is telling them what games you would like for their own mass marketing statistics - a fair trade in my opinion.
I never thought I would see the day when that website would be posted on a video game forum. Worlds just collided and as a result my brain has spiraled out of control.
Well yeah, sorta. Only that would violate causality, so the equations were re-examined to remove that little problem. If memory serves me correctly, Dirac did it. 'Course, my memory's pretty much dead at this point but don't let that stop you believing me.
Always happens. Game company makes decent game, good critical reception, poor initial sales. Makes second game, critically acclaimed, profit flies through the roof temporarily. Company gets used to income, appeals to lowest common denominator with upcoming products to generate revenue. New...
Yeah, the way they even describe the 4 dimensions of space and time is complete bull as well, curvature is intrinsic property of the 4 dimensions, rather than representing a deformed surface in 5. Though I'm not sure if string theory has anything more to say about that, since M theory suggests...
The interactions they're doing have been ridiculously surpassed by cosmic rays interacting with the atmosphere which happens incredibly frequently at their energies of 500TeV (5*10^14 eV). The Pierre-Auger Observatory alone has detected 30 particles with energies above 50EeV (5*10^19 eV), that's...