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  1. R

    Ignorant White Women

    i dont care if you are purple..all i wanna say is treat others as you want to be treated.
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    Ignorant White Women

    see... thats the senseless stupidity going on in most of north america.... I only wish all of you could see what ihave seen, and experience what i have gone through.... put a gun to anyones face and they will pee in their pants, be it black white or yellow... and in the end, when the trigger...
  3. R

    Anyone modeling with XSI|EXP for HL2?

    XSI V4 has been announced, head on over to for more info, and you'll be glad to know that the V4 student lisence is super cheap. As for normal mapping in XSI and advanced techniques just post yer question here and i'll see what i can do.
  4. R

    Xsi questions...

    Within XSI theres a program called "flipbook" which you can use to load up a sequence of images and then export them to any format you want. Im not sure its in EXP version though..ill have to check.
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    Well, take it as you wish :-). have a nice day.
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    as you wrote it: RMachucHa, if you dont know, this means something not pleasant in spanish.... could be said as an insult aswell, not only that, but its common courtesy to at least spell someones name correctly. About the Retarded part, all i said is its retarded not using XSI, if you take...
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    PiMuRho: Whats up with the name calling you tool? is my name not legible enough for you to distinguish there isnt a second "H"?
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    Content on XSI and HalfLife

    Yes, you will have a lot of examples for tweaking things, so you can tweak some more and end up creating your own stuff, which in turn you can seamlessly import into HL2. XSI Rocks! You wouldnt believe how easy it is to get stuff in the game, i forsee the modding community going nuts with it :-)
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    omg...... why dont you ppl wait to try XSI HL2 EXP? It has ALL the tools you need and more! its retarded not using it, not to mention VALVE choose to go with XSI for a damn good reason. nuff said.
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    WIP Lightsaber

    practice practice practice! My first model was an unrecognizeable mix of edges and points with flipped faces and stretched thextures. :-P
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    Crappy Mclaren GTR wip....

    lol... its mostly good guesses and google for pics. After having seen so many pics and references for race cars in general, you kinda get to know what should go where.
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    Crappy Mclaren GTR wip....

    thats right, good memory :-)
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    Crappy Mclaren GTR wip....

    it still has a long way to go :imu:
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    Raven Attack ..... well i dont know check it out.

    me likes... good stuff
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    General Advice

    check the 3d forums around... check in the game section or game development...
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    Crappy Mclaren GTR wip....

    lol, im just overly realistic.
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    Crappy Mclaren GTR wip....
  18. R

    Crappy Mclaren GTR wip....

    started yesterday morning... but didnt have much time to work on it, today i did do a lot more stuff, so its in a showable state :-P
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    Crappy Lambo Murcielago

    Jury's still out on that one, thats why im doing this, convince them :-P