Search results

  1. RabidJester

    This Forums are dead.

    Wts [forum] Slightly Used, Only Dropped Once.
  2. RabidJester

    This Forums are dead.

    Long live the Forums.
  3. RabidJester

    Zero Point Films is recruiting

    The end result is an episodic series in Source. This isn't my first directorial project, so although the story is not secure, my vision how it should look certainly is. I'm not going for a wide-angled laugh-fest filled with pregnant pauses before any action or dialogue. This should end up...
  4. RabidJester

    Zero Point Films is recruiting

    You know what, I think that today I will rebuild it. It's about time for a resurrection.
  5. RabidJester

    Zero Point Films is recruiting

    I'm relatively positive that the site (which was a placeholder at best) has been down since April. Although, I still have the materials to work on my project. Thanks for the bump though. EDIT: I've adjusted my sig to reflect this.
  6. RabidJester

    Is Your Attitude Towards Steam Positive or Negative?

    I just have the girlfriend spray me down with the hose now and again.
  7. RabidJester

    Setting up a Machinima team, recruiting

    Obviously I'm doing my own thing over here, but I wanted to step in and wish you the best of luck.
  8. RabidJester

    Is Your Attitude Towards Steam Positive or Negative?

    Anything that allows me to purchase my video games in the nude is a good thing in my book.
  9. RabidJester

    Insane High Res Textures

    I believe he was suggesting that this was actually not a texture replacement, but simply added detail textures to the existing set.
  10. RabidJester

    Machinima - "City 16"

    Man, did I really join that long ago?
  11. RabidJester

    Machinima - "City 16"

    I'm kind of old school in this realm, and I've been somewhat depressed that more people didn't take up the banner, but this is good work. I understand what you mean when you say that it's difficult to stick with. I have the good part of a first episode done, that perhaps, one day, will bring...
  12. RabidJester

    Skreck News

    Get me some Windex for these screenshots.
  13. RabidJester

    Half Life 2 Mod Makers Guide (Prima)

    Yeah, except that it's not just rumors that Gamestop and EB have cancelled pre-orders on it and won't be carrying it.
  14. RabidJester

    Half Life 2 Mod Makers Guide (Prima)

    As of today, Gamestop sent out an email informing managers that the guide has been "delisted". This usually applies to games that are too old and not being made anymore, but can also work for pre-order items that have been cancelled or delayed indefinitely. Customers who pre-ordered...
  15. RabidJester

    Day of Defeat: Source Approaching Beta

    Considering that it's not yet at beta, maybe the new character models aren't finished yet?
  16. RabidJester

    Weekly Steam News (11/02/05)

    Off-topic: Yay for merch.
  17. RabidJester

    "PI" or "Star hero ted" mod.

    As for the PI, make it a multipart story instead of many crimes. One huge mystery, combined with some gun play and great dialogue. I personally was considering a mobster mod that would take on the 30's feeling captured in films such as Road to Perdition.
  18. RabidJester

    Frag Squad Needs You!

    This is a HL2 site. There is no appropriate forum.
  19. RabidJester

    (Answer only if you have played hl2) How old are you?

    I think what's more important is to note that the older guys are the ones making the video games we are playing now. I know there are some youngish types in there (mid-20s), but the programmers and leads I have met are generally in the 30s. Take a look at Peter Molyneux, for example, or John...
  20. RabidJester

    Program for making Half-Life movies

    Looks great man. I think my setup is pretty decent at the moment, but I'll look into it for future projects.